Chapter 2- Touch

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The first years were sorted and a Hufflepuff gained 3 new members, but I just couldn't concentrate on what Professor Dumbledore was saying. Cedric had put his hand back on my thigh and this time I didn't push it away,I just let him caress the tender skin of my leg whilst the Headmaster announced to the first years. "-Prefects will escort you to your common rooms. Also, Our caretaker, Mr filch has asked me to kindly remind you that the right side of the third floor corridor is completely out of bounds too all students due to events that occurred 5 years ago. Enjoy your stay at Hogwarts, and Welcome new witches and wizards" and with his last words spoken, everyone poured out of the great hall.

I began walking away from the table when I felt a firm hand grip my arm and swing me back. I was startled as Cedric pulled me closer to his body and stared down at me. I looked away, but he gently forced my eyes to meet his by moving my chin towards his face. After all these years I realised that I'd never taken a proper look at him. He truly was beautiful, that was undeniable. I heard the faint call of Seren shouting me from the hall doors but I did not move an inch. I just stared at the man in front of me. His eyelashes were long and thick , covering his beautiful, green eyes whenever he shut them. His skin was tanned but he had rosy cheeks and when he smiled, those cheeks reddened. His eyebrows were neatly formed in a relaxed way on his forehead, just visible beneath his brown locks that flopped onto his face. I found my gaze wander down to his pink, soft lips. My thoughts were cut off suddenly when he leaned in and whispered,

"Like what you see, Hart?" He asked, smirking that same smirk he did in the common room. I'd been caught, obviously checking him out. I was broken from my trance and stepped away, even though his hands were still wrapped around my wrist.

"I-i" I stuttered, unable to find my voice. He leaned down and pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear. His lips were so fucking close I could almost taste his hot breath. "You forgot your wand" He chuckled and placed it in my hand where he held my wrist. For one second, I was sure he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. For some reason this angered me and I snatched my hand from his grasp and turned away, giving him the middle finger. I heard his low laugh behind me, fading whilst I stomped away. "Fucking dick" I muttered, my chest rising and falling unsteadily.

"You wouldn't be talking about me now would you?" An all to familiar voice called to me. "See, you really shouldn't using that filthy language Miss Hart"

I looked up, only to be stood in front of Fred fucking Weasley. "FREDDIE" I almost screamed, jumping up to give him a hug. Me, Fred and George spent year 4&5 inseparable; breaking rules, playing pranks and most of all, becoming the best trio to exist. I placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as he turned his head and kissed my palm.

"Missed you dickhead" I whispered.

"Missed you more" He chuckled, moving his hands to my waist and pulling me into his chest. I looked up to meet his eyes,but they weren't looking at me. Instead they were dark and glaring at something behind me.I turned to see Cedric striding towards us, frowning. Fred and Cedric never met eye to eye,for reasons that were unknown, not even themselves new why, just that they hated each other.

"Keep your fucking hands off her Weasley" Cedric hissed. Although he is kind, Fred makes him unbearably rude, almost like a Slytherin. Fred and Cedric were nearly the same height, Fred was maybe half an inch taller, but the both of them equally as intimidating. " I think you'd like to know, Diggory" he spat "That she was the one who touched me" Fred sneared. Unable to do anything I just stood there in shock.

"Cedric" I pleaded. "Don't do this, don't start something now" i was almost whining now. His eyes broke away from Fred's and bore into mine. "Fine" he grimaced. "Come y/n, we have potions" And with that he stepped away from Fred and took my arm again. I managed to mouth sorry to Fred before I was dragged away by a firm hand.

"Cedric, it's okay. I did touch him, and plus it's not like I touched anywhere I shouldn't have" I said, stifling a giggle as I heard Cedric gasp. "Fuck off Hart" he snapped and strode off, heading to potions without me.

I sat at my desk in potions, uncrossing and crossing my legs, not sure why Cedric was upset. I took my usual seat next to him, grinning at him when he glared at me. The corners of his mouth turned up and he signed, biting his lip as he looked at me.

"Your irresistible Hart" he said. "Utterly irresistible" I laughed and smiled at him. Knowing we were okay again. I don't know why him and Fred bother each other so much, but I guessed now was not the right time to ask. My attention was quickly drawn to the low drone of Professor Snapes lecture, eyeing every one of us making sure that we were working.

The school day flowed by quickly and soon I realised that it was time to be allowed back into our common rooms. Seren, Cedric, Sabor and myself were all sitting on the floor in the common room, giggling by the fire. Sabor had dark black hair and tanned skin. He was very kind to me and always made me laugh whenever I felt down. I was grateful for him and he was grateful for me.

When it turned 11, we decided to head to our rooms as we had double DADA (defence against the dark arts) tomorrow and we would definitely need our sleep for that. I kissed Seren and Sabor good night, reached down to ruffle Cedric's hair and walked towards my room. Minutes after my head hit the pillow, I feel into a dreamless sleep.

I woke early the next morning, the sun had not risen yet and so it was still dark inside. I was freezing to touch and so I took my wand and muttered "Lumos" walking into the common room to fetch another blanket. I turned around to see a figure stood in the stairs leading up to the boys rooms.

Cedric stood, bare chest, only wearing blue striped pyjama bottoms in the entrance of the stairway. His hair was ruffled and dropping across his eyes. My eyes wandered down onto his chest. Fuck. He was so beautiful. His collarbones and shoulders were wide and tanned. His torso lined with abs, perfectly chiselled. My eyes seemed to wander further to where his V line was produced leading down to his d-

"My eyes are up here y/n" he whispered. His voice was low and chesty. It was ducking hot.I felt my face grow hot and I felt a weird sensation in my heat. It was tingling, like a longing sensation ?

"Sorry Cedric, I'll just, uh, be on my way" walking towards him so I could head back to my dorm. Before I could get any further, his hands grabbed my waist and pulled my body up against his bare chest. He looked down at me, his eyes glinting with lust. He placed one hand on my lower back and used the other to cup my chin. I didn't once look away from his eyes, I just couldn't. And then he did the most utterly unexpected thing.

He kissed me.

At first it was soft, and his lips gently worked with mine. But it became hungry and powerful. He slowly began backing me up into the wall, moving his lips down to my jawline, tracing my neck with his kisses. I let out a noise only to be described as a moan as his hands travelled down my body. He moved up again, kissing me hungrily. He was dominant, yet I could feel the way he tried to be tender with me. His hands moved again and I felt one between my inner thighs. I gasped, my breathing hitching and becoming more and more erratic.

He looked at me, his eyes asking for consent. I nodded, locking my eyes with his. He slowly pulled my shorts and underwear to the side and moved a finger into my heat, making me whimper in pleasure. I moaned as his thumb began circling my clit. "Cedric" I whispered. "More, F-fuck" He shoved another finger inside of me and began picking up his pace, making my legs tremble as my knees began to give way. He placed his hand on my lower back and held me up.

"Your so fucking beautiful" He whispered. "So beautiful" he groaned into the ridge of my collarbone. "I-I'm gonna c-cum Cedric" I moaned into his mouth as his lips met mine again. With one last stroke he finished me off, sucking his fingers clean.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that y/n" he said, his breath shakey. He gently kissed my forehead and let go off my waist. "Goodnight y/n" he cooed. "Goodnight Cedric" I returned. With some shaky steps, I walked back to bed, forgetting the blanket that I went to retrieve and lay staring at my ceiling. I heard moans coming from the common room, and my face grew scarlet red, only to realise it was Cedrics moans. I shut my legs tight trying to push the growing feeling away. I couldn't help but think he was pleasuring himself over me, and I blushed furiously.

"Fuck y/n" he groaned. I regrettably whispered "Muffilato" at the door so he could maintain his privacy. I continued to stare at the ceiling, downright confused

What the fuck just happened.

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