🥀Chapter One🥀

348 39 16

2 years later

Vanessa Collins

I end the call before sighing deeply and placing the phone in my pocket. The owner of the house that am staying at have decided to throw me on the streets since I owe two months of rent. Can life get any worse? I don't think so. I couldn't live on the streets especially New York streets.

I started walking down the pavement clutching my coat closer to my body. Ever since what happened two years ago I've been struggling. It actually wasn't always so. After Omar offered me a ride when I was being chased, I told him everything that happened with my past and the type of work that I did. He didn't judge me or anything of the sort and I stayed at his place for a few months.

We got closer and closer then we end up sleeping together. But then he met in a car accident and died. I was beyond devastated that I cried until I couldn't anymore. That was when I met his mom and she hated me at first sight. She kicked me out of his house and I had to leave. I searched for a place to stay and found one but I knew I had to pay rent and take care of myself so I got a job.

Actually I went through a few jobs. From a store clerk to a restaurant waitress and then to working at a supermarket. I got fired from all of them because there seemed to be something wrong with me why most of the workers hate me and decided to spread lies to the boss about me. And the fact that I was new meant that he had little trust in me. So I've been out of a job for four months now and it's been driving me insane.

Not only I am unemployed but I also don't have a place to stay anymore. I hailed a cab before it stopped and I went inside. I laid my head against the car door and released a deep sigh. The driver hummed along to the song that was playing on the radio as he glanced in the mirror a few times at me.

I kept staring out the window at the city and the people going to and about their businesses. I wonder if one day that will be me also? Perhaps, but am no business woman material.


This was more than embarrassing for me. My two suitcases were at the house entrance unzipped and clothes piling out of them. I sighed before walking up to them slowly. The door opened and Mr. Wallis stood there with a grumpy face and hands and legs crossed.

" You could've avoided this vanessa"

I gave him a dirty look before stuffing my clothes into the suitcases and zipping them up.

"Maybe if you had a heart, and some sympathy you could understand how hard it is for me to save enough money to pay rent", I replied aggressively before standing and getting ready to pull my suitcases from his house.

"Don't you be ungrateful now, I gave you extra time to pay up and you didn't -

"Goodbye Mr. Wallis", I say cutting him off and walking away.

I saw some persons looking at me but I ignored them. I turned the other direction and started walking. The place will be dark soon and I started worrying. These streets are no where to be alone at nights.

I stopped and exhaled.

This was too much for me. I've faced worst than this but......it doesn't help with the situation.

I started walking again keeping to myself as the night got darker and darker. I stopped at a bench and sat down. I didn't know how long I was actually walking for but my feet hurt like hell.

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