🥀Chapter Two🥀

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I stood on the outside of a mansion. I asked the driver if he was sure this was the place and he told me it was. The outside, the gardens were well groomed and so beautiful that I think I spent more than a minute just admiring it. The color pallete was white and blue and I noticed a few accents of gold here and there.

I pulled my suitcases along with me to the front door. I was glad the driver was too caught up in talking to a passenger in the front seat to notice the smells. I knocked on the door before stepping a few inches back. I looked around the place before my attention was drawn by the sound of a lock clicking.

The door opened revealing a tall, black guy. He was dressed casually in Jeans and a white button up shirt and had a small smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

His voice was deep but not coarse. I showed him the card and told him Juilia sent me. He examined it before making eye contact with me and tilting his head as if trying to figure me out. I hope this wasn't all some joke - like how most rich persons will abuse their power and torment the poor. It happens alot.

"What's your name?", he said after staring me down for way too long.


He hummed quietly before turning and going inside the house. I stood anxiously as I actually started to think that this was all a joke. I tapped my foot against the floor as I peered inside the house. I caught a glimpse of how beautiful the inside was before he came back.

"Why exactly did she send you here?", he asked looking confused whilst raising an eyebrow at me.

"She said you could give me a place to stay".

He stared at me for a few more seconds before finally saying something else.

"Give me a sec" he said before going inside and closing the door. I just stared at it for a while before taking a seat in one of the chairs. I threw my head in my hands and released a deep exhale. My life was truly a mess. Not only do I have no money and no job, I also have to stay at a place I knew nothing about and no choice in that matter.


I looked up and saw the man gesturing for me to follow him inside. I did pulling my suitcases into the house that was just as beautiful as the outside. I continued following after him as he went up the stairs.

"So, how did you meet Julia? Are you a friend of hers?", he asked glancing over his shoulder at me.

"No am not", I replied trying to drag my suitcases along with me. After a few more seconds of struggling we reached the top and I sighed in relief.

"I don't understand. You're not a friend of hers...and yet she offered you a place to stay..."

He stopped and turned to look at me. His face studied mine as I felt some type of emotion overpowered me.

"I'm homeless and jobless ok? I didn't ask her for a place to stay or should I say forced her so if you're thinking I blackmailed her or something you're wrong".

I didn't mean to sound so aggressive but I'm a woman who makes her point and I hate it when people start to think bad of me and they don't know anything about me.

However, he didn't seem fazed by my outburst. Instead he only smirked and continued walking. I followed keeping a some distance between us until he stopped at a door.

"You can stay here...for now. I spoke with Julia on the phone and she'll pay you a visit tomorrow. Before I leave just know that this is my place and I don't tolerate rudeness or anything of the sort. No sneaking, no taking anything that doesn't belong to you or anything else because you'll be out. My house - deserves respect".

After saying that he left and walked away. I felt uncomfortable already and I just hope that tomorrow I'll find a good job that pays me well. I entered the room and was hit with some type of sweet odour. A medium - sized bed, a small table and chair set, a closet, a TV, a bedside drawer and a grey couch in the corner.

I locked the door before dropping my suitcases and flopping down on the bed. The moment the soft silk sheets hit my back I moaned. I sighed deeply before sitting up. I left the bed and went to my suitcase and took out some clothes that were in the bottom. I'll wash the dirty ones tomorrow but right now I needed to take a shower.


I was beyond starving. I didn't actually felt the hunger until after I've showered. I had to get something in my stomach before I faint. I left the room and went the same way I came. If there was a kitchen it would be downstairs but I didn't want to take anything without asking him first.

Luckily I found him sitting in a couch in the living room area. He was on his phone and looked up when he saw me. He eyed me up and down but I didn't feel uncomfortable. I was use to be looked at.

"Vanessa, how can I help you?"

"May I have something to eat?", I replied with a please at the end.

"Ofcourse help yourself, the kitchen is that way...speaking of which am quite hungry as well", he said getting up and towering over me. He was quite tall and muscular as if he goes to the gym everyday since he turned twenty. He walked pass me brushing against me in the process before I followed after him.

"So tell me something about yourself Vanessa"

The kitchen was well designed as how I expected. He took a seat around the table and I well, started to make us both something to eat. I kept quiet because I wasn't a liar and I wasn't gonna tell him about my past. Never. No one will ever hear about it from my lips.

"Ok. If you don't want to you can just say it. No need to ignore me. Perhaps I'll figure it out later down the line".

I glanced over my shoulder at him but he was looking elsewhere. I made two sandwiches and gave him his before pouring two glasses of Mango juice. After finishing I sat down and started eating. My stomach thanked me for the food.

"So how long have you known Julia?", I asked as he released a small smile.

"For years now, she took me off the streets, gave me a place to stay and offered me a job in her company. I turned it down however because it would be too risky for a woman like her and me also. So I don't work in the company but if there's anything she needs me to do I do it for her. Anything at all"

There was something puzzling my brain that I felt the need to ask about it.

"Why...would it be risky for a woman like her and you?", I asked out of too much curiosity but he only shook his head and smiled.

"Everyone has a life vanessa, and everyone has a past. And sometimes things are best kept just as you don't want me to know anything about you. So your question will remain unanswered".

I kept quiet as he carried the dish to the sink before turning and leaving the kitchen. Whatever was his past, it was none of my business and I certainly did not care. No one is perfect and he was just as homeless as me and look where he was now.

So if he had a rough past and his life turned around - why can't mine too?


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