Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Lex! Hurry up, or we're gonna be late!" Jordan called from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back. I threw my last book in my trunk, closed the lid, and started dragging it down the stairs. I reached the bottom and opened the door. I walked out, pulling my trunk behind me, Jordan following. The door swung shut, and automatically locked. Jordan stuck out his wand arm, signalling the Knight Bus, and it appeared, speeding down our street. It came to a sharp stop, as Stan Shunpike, the conductor, slid to the back, to start his usual speech. "Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded Witch or Wizar-Oh! Hey Jordan, hey Lex." Stan said. "Hi Stan!" I say smiling, as Jordan and I climb on, pulling our heavy trunks with us. "Where too?" Stan asked. "Kings Cross. Make it quick, we might be late." Jordan replied.

Jordan and I have known Stan forever. Since our Parents died, we've had to find our own way in the world. The Knight Bus has been our main mode of transportation ever since. Stan was just starting as conductor when we started catching it all the time. We ride the Knight Bus so much; we don't even have to pay anymore.

We arrived at Kings Cross almost immediately. The bus jerks to a stop, and we get out. "Thanks Stan!" Jordan calls, as the bus speeds off. "Ok Lex; What are the rules?" Jordan asks. "No boys, no sneaking around after dark, no drinking, don't go into the Slytherin dorms." I recite. "Good. Now let's go."

Jords has always been overprotective. Most of it I understand, but the Slytherin rule is only because he's in Gryffindor. Slytherin and Gryffindor have a long-term rivalry. As a Ravenclaw I don't understand it, as well as the fact Dad was in Slytherin and Mum was in Gryffindor. Jordan just doesn't trust them, I guess. With good reason. They sneak into Gryffindor tower all the time and trash the place, which is really annoying. I only have a few Slytherin friends. Draco Malfoy, whose parents were Death Eaters, but he's totally different. There's also Pansy Parkinson, who's really nice.

Jordan runs through the wall, into Platform 9 3/4. I follow. Even though this is my fourth year at Hogwarts, I still get scared that I'm going to crash. However, I run through the barrier and out, onto the platform. I saw the big red Hogwarts Express waiting while people board and look around for Jordan. He's already over standing with the Weasley family. I walked over to the large group. Jordan was chatting to Fred and George, the twins who are his best friends. They are all in Sixth year this year. I walked over to Ron, Harry and Ginny, who were all talking loudly about Quidditch. "Hey guys!" I say. "Lexie! Hey! How've you been?" Harry asked. "Great actually. Where's Hermione?" I ask. "I think I saw her get onto the train. She's probably finding a compartment." Ginny said. "C'mon, we should get on the train. Bye Mum!" She calls to Mrs. Weasley. "Bye you lot! Also, Ginny, if I get anymore letters saying you and Lexie have been misbehaving again you will be in big trouble." Molly Weasley yelled, over the growing noise. Ginny and I both giggle, and we all board the train.

As we walk down the corridor, I saw Ginny and Harry holding hands in front of me and Ron. "Well, that's new" I whisper to Ron. "Yeah. Started dating during the Summer. You have no idea how many times I walked in on them making out." Ron said, under his breath. We both started laughing, as Harry and Ginny turned around. "What?" Ginny asked. "Nothing, nothing." I responded, trying to keep a straight face.

After walking for a while, we found Hermione, Pansy and Draco sitting in a compartment towards the back of the train. "Hey y'all" I say. "Lex! Hey!" Mione said. I've known Hermione since First year. She was my first ever friend, and we were both sorted into Ravenclaw. We all started pulling our trunks up onto the racks. I sat down next to Hermione, as everybody started to resume talk about Quidditch. "So, Harry and Ginny huh?" she whispered to me. "Yeah. I mean we all knew it was going to happen eventually. They're cute together though." I mutter back. "Totally. Got your eye on anybody yet?" Mione asked. "Not yet" I said. "I don't think you'll last without anyone for more than a day." she joked. "Oi!" I exclaimed, giggling.

The train took about 5 hours, before it started to slow down. By then we were all in our robes. Me and Hermione in our deep blue Ravenclaw robes, Harry, Ron and Ginny in their scarlet robes, and Draco and Pansy in their green ones. The train came to a slow stop, and we heard people exiting their compartments. The prefects were trying to enforce some sort of order, but this part was always chaos. We filed out of the compartment, just as I realised, I left my want on my seat. I walked back towards our carriage and slide our door open. I saw my wand and picked it up. As I walked back out of the compartment someone bumped into me from behind. I fell to the ground, dropping my wand. "Shit. Sorry!" a guy said. I turned around and saw it was a Hufflepuff Fifth year. I thought I recognised him, and I realised he was the Hufflepuff all the Fifth-year girls were obsessed with. I could see why. I grabbed my wand and said, "Don't worry, I wasn't watching where I was going." He reached a hand down to help me up. I take it, and he pulls me up from the ground. I've never been this close to him. He has the looks, as well as the smile girls dream about. He looked me up and down and I blushed.

"Hi, I'm Cedric. Diggory." The guy said. "Lexie. or Lex. Brown." I responded. "Well, Lexie, let me walk you out." I walked out with him and stepped out into the cold night air. "Shit. My friends already left" Cedric said. "Come with us. We're over here." I replied. Cedric followed me to our carriage, where I saw Hermione waving to me. We walked over. I climbed in and pulled Cedric in with me. "Do we have enough room for one more?" I asked, as Hermione gave me a look.

"Cedric, right? I'm Hermione." Mione said. "Nice to meet you Hermione." I looked over at Draco and saw him giving Cedric a death stare. Hermione saw too and raised her eyebrows at me. I glanced around, and saw Ginny staring at Cedric. Mione also saw that, and we exchanged another look. Harry noticed too, and him, Draco and Ron started muttering to each-other quietly.

We arrived at the castle after a far too long trip. We all exited the carriage, and Cedric helped me down the stairs. "Wouldn't want you to fall again, would we Brown?" he said, with a smirk. We all walked into the entrance hall. As we walked into the great hall, Cedric said "See you round Brown." he smirked again. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw Draco roll his eyes at him. "Bye Diggory" I replied, and Hermione and I walked to the Ravenclaw table.

Because the sorting ceremony was about to start, Hermione and I couldn't talk about what just happened. We waited for a good 45 minutes for it to be over, and as soon as we could we started talking. "What the HELL was that?" she said. "I think Cedric Diggory might be into me!" I whispered. "and shhh. I don't want everyone to hear." "Forget about that. Did you see Draco's face when Cedric was flirting with you?" Mione asked. "Yep. He looked way jealous. Hopefully Harry and him don't say anything to Jordan." I said. "Lex. If Jordan found out a guy was into you, let alone an older guy or a Slytherin, he would beat the shit out of them." "Probably. Gryffindors, right?" I replied.

That night I lay in bed, confused. I mean, I used to like Draco, but that was ages ago! And Cedric...he was just Cedric. No other words to describe him. But even if I chose one, what would Jordan say? The older, hot, more acceptable guy or the rebellious, sneaky, Slytherin? As I fell asleep, I thought about Cedric. I mean, I guess this is a lot to think about from one interaction.


Hey y'all! Hope you liked the first chapter. I know it's really long, but I'm putting a lot of effort into making to interesting. Lmk if theres anything i should add!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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