is it platonic if i'm in love with you?

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Iwaizumi Hajime does not think about his soulmate all that much. When he finds them, he finds it fitting that their soulmate bond is platonic.

So of course, he had to go and fall for them.

Iwaizumi Hajime does not think about his  soulmate all that much. He has other things to worry about, after all,  and Oikawa does it enough for the both of them. Besides, if he's  supposed to meet them no matter what he does, then what's the point on  worrying about it unnecessarily?

Even if apparently, his soulmate likes grilled mackerel. Who likes mackerel? It's disgusting.

Right  now, he's sitting next to Oikawa as they watch Karasuno's match against  Nekoma. Hinata told them their teams have a friendly rivalry that dates  for more than thirty years, but Hajime wouldn't have guessed if he  hadn't been told. The two teams look murderous right now, and even on  his place at the stands he can feel the waves of tension.

He has  to admit it has been a good match so far. Nekoma's unwavering defense is  the perfect counterpart for Karasuno's aggressive offence, and despite  the auras they exude, it's quite obvious for anyone who has played  against Karasuno that Nekoma knows the players at a personal level. No  one has ever been able to stop Hinata and Kageyama's freak quick with  that accuracy from the start.

Besides him, Oikawa is watching the  match with a calculating gaze, eyes taking in both Karasuno and Nekoma's  techniques. This is the first time any of them have watched them play  against each other, and both teams are drawing out the best from their  opponent. They have to, if they want to win against a team that already  knows so much about their play style.

If someone asks Hajime, he  would say this match is even more intense than the one he watched  yesterday, even if Inarizaki was a formidable opponent. Most of the  moves Karasuno pulled were things Hajime has experienced first hand in  the past, things that were only new to those who hadn't played them  before. But this match... oh, this match is on fire.

"It's  good to see him happy," Oikawa says, taking him out of his musings.  Hajime raises a single eyebrow, even if he's pretty sure he knows what  his friend is talking about. "Shou-chan. He hasn't looked this happy  since..."

"I know. But it's over now, it's all solved, remember?"  Oikawa doesn't answer, instead looking at his soulmate. Hajime lets him.  The last few months have been stressful for him after all, even if he  has calmed down a bit since Hinata started officially living with the  Oikawas.

Hajime looks back at the match, just in time to cheer  when Kageyama does a service ace. He hears Oikawa grumble under his  breath about how Tobio-chan infuriates him, that little brat, and he rolls his eyes. His friend can be such a piece of shit sometimes.

As  the game progresses, Hajime finds himself looking more and more at a  certain player. Nekoma's Captain, Kuroo Tetsurou the commenters said  he's called. He is, in Hajime's opinion, the best blocker from Nekoma.  Understandable, since he is a middle blocker, and blocking is  literally his job. His blocks are similar to Tsukishima's, the tall  blonde from Karasuno. Hajime distantly remembers Hinata telling him and  Oikawa that he and Tsukishima practiced with some third years from other  teams during their training camp, so maybe that's why.

If he's  being honest, he has no idea why his focus seems to be on Kuroo. He is a  great player, yes, but so are a lot of the others on the court.  Nekoma's libero is a beast, and while their tall middle blocker makes  some mistakes from time to time - like Hinata did and still does  sometimes, so probably a rookie - he has some enviable reflexes. Even  their setter is ruthless despite looking like he's going to drop dead  any minute now.

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