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Authors Note: So this is chapter one of Tear Ducts and Rust I do not own any of these characters expect for Stella. I don't know who will read this but if you are reading...hi I hope you enjoy this book. This chapter may be a bit boring, it's just really setting in the scene and discovering what type of friendship everyone has with each other. Enjoy xx


*flashback to third year*

"You're a legal animagi", Stella felt the wooden seat next to her shake indicating that someone had sat next to her. She didn't have to look up from her book very far to see the dishevelled hair of her dearest cousin, Sirius Black.

"How did you find out?", Stella questioned the boy sat in front of her placing her book down and quirking an eyebrow up. Sirius gave a nervous chuckle before giving a brief look down the table to where James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew sat nervously watching and waiting for how the girl would react.

Stella followed the distressed boys gaze and rolled her eyes, "never mind that, why do you ask?". Slowly Sirius turned his attention to the black haired girl in front of him "come on Sirius, I'm an outcast too remember" Stella placed a comforting hand on Sirius and looked down at her gold and red tie. "We need your help, meet us in Myrtle's bathroom at lunch". To say Stella was in shock was an understatement as she had never heard Sirius sound so sad? frightened? belittled? she couldn't place her finger on what emotion he was showing, which is why she hesitantly agreed.

Stella opened the door the girl's bathroom to see the four boys anxiously waiting for her arrival, when they heard her footsteps approach them they looked up to see the Black girl standing before them. "Stella, thank god" Sirius exclaimed "we need your help". Stella gave a small chuckle "Really? Couldn't tell" she smiled to herself, her 13 year old mind thinking she was the most sarcastic girl at Hogwarts. 

"Listen this is important, we don't have time for snarky remarks" Sirius spoke, "One of us has a little problem and needs your help" Sirius walked closer to his cousin. Stella started walking backwards towards the door to leave, when none other than James Potter grabbed her arm. "Not like that" he rolled his eyes "We need someone to help look after Remus once a month, what do you say?" The sound of skin connecting skin was heard throughout the bathroom.

Remus started walking closer to the three with his forehead in his hand, "you two are so stupid, please just go back there" he pointed to where Peter stood munching some Jelly Slugs "Listen Black, these twits can't say anything right. I have a furry problem and I need help once a month, can you please help me?" So many thoughts were running through Stella's mind she didn't even realise she had said the word until she felt her lips moving "Yes".

*End of Flashback ( start of 6th year)*

"Lily! My flower! You have blossomed over summer!" The redhead turned to James a sharp look "Was I talking to you!?" she turned back to Remus and continued telling him he needed to hurry up and get to the prefect carriage. Stella turned her head to look at James widening her eyes and making an 'o' shape with her mouth. Making James giggle a little, Stella turned back to Lily and Remus who was fumbling for his wand and robes. 

"Hey Evans!" Stella called out, the four boys stopping their actions to look at the scene unfolding in their carriage. It was no secret Stella didn't like Lily and it was no secret Lily didn't like Stella, them only sharing a dorm room with Lily's friends only made it worse, "Seems to me there seems to be something shoved up your ass, you may want to get that checked out  before you go full goblin on us, or is it that time of the month?" Stella questioned the girl, tilting her head to the side cracking a small smile .

"whatever Black", she turned on her heel seeing that Remus was ready and headed off the prefects carriage. "What a tight ass!", Stella complained lying down on the seat resting her head on her cousins lap. James scoffed and looked at the girl, "just because you two don't like each other, she's a tight ass". Stella rolled her eyes at the boy sitting across from her "she's been rejecting you for how many years James, don't you get a little bit heartbroken every time she breaks your poor heart every day?"

James cracked a grin and held a hand over his heart his other landing Peter's shoulder "You're right Stella, she really pulls on the my heart strings". The Black girl rolls her eyes and grins back at him. Stella didn't know when it happened but she drifted off into a deep sleep only to be woken but the screams of her dear cousin and friends when Remus arrived back. Most of the conversation was James asking Remus about Lily, until suddenly James turned to look at Stella.

"What?" she asked looking between all four boys who were now looking at her too. "You share a dorm with Evans don't you?" this caused Stella to roll her eyes again and lean back into the seat, "you know that answer halfwit"

"great! I need a favour" James got on his knees in front of the girl and waddled over to her but thankfully Sirius stopped him before he got too close, "what is it?" she asked raising an eyebrow, but his answer made him want to slap him senseless.

"Talk to Lily for me"

"Are you crazy?! I am not doing that" 

"Come on please Ella, for me" James whined, giving the girl puppy dog eyes. Stella turned her head and focused on the view outside the window so she wouldn't look at his face, shaking her head. "Please Ella", she gave in and turned her gaze to his eyes to find that he was now sitting next to her instead of on his knees in front of her.

"Fine" she gave up 

"Don't make me regret this Potter" she said sternly.


I know this chapter was boring and all over the place but I promise it will get better

But for now await for my next chapter but while you wait go tell you're Marauders friends and vote

Goodnight chickens xx

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