Chapter 1

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"You need more sun Jack," I heard my mum say to my brother, well, twin brother to be exact," Your getting paler by the minute".

"Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow?," I suggested, eating my pasta not-so-neatly.

To be honest, I only suggested it because I know Jack wouldn't come.
I desperately needed some me-time!

Jack remained silent. I could tell he was in deep thought.

"That's perfect Emily!" said mum,"Dad and I have a mission tomorrow and you guys can hangout then."

"Yeah," agreed dad," Tomorrow we are going to hunt a vampire school called Vampire Kingdom Academy. Disgusting blood sucking leaches. Ugh" spat dad, clearly showing his dislike for vampires, or 'blood sucking leaches', as he called them.

"The organization received some information that vampires were creating something to destroy humans," mum informed us," some kind of a pill,"

"Disgusting!" repeated dad

I nodded my head because I didn't know what to say. But Jack had gone paler (if that's even possible) and his eyes turned a bit red, but changed back to his normal blue eyes almost at once. I wasn't sure if I had dreamed it or not. Probably did,or probably was the lighting, who knows?

We finished the rest of dinner in silence, which was perfectly fine with me. I didn't need an awkward moment, did I now?

I excused myself from the table and headed to my room to finish off my homework. I just wanted to relax tomorrow, if I don't finish it now, it won't be completed until my Science lesson, which is after lunch. I am be messy and untidy, but I'm not that type of girl, so I'll have to do it now.

I look into my black backpack and fetch out my Science work.

Name four(4) STIs that you have learnt of.

Hmm, not bad. Pretty, no, definitely simple actually.

I had only written down two STIs when my favorite red and gold pencil broke.

Darn it! And I can't find my sharpener!  And we were not allowed to use pens!Screw you universe.Why do teachers have to be so difficult sometimes!? Pens obviously don't need to be sharpened. If only schools see that.

I'll just borrow Jack's. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Oh, he will mind someone going through his stuff to look for something, a small voice in my head reminded me.

I just crossed my fingers for luck, for what? No one knows.
I just felt like I needed it,the luck I mean, like I'm going find something I never thought I'd find. Ah, feelings! I need to stop watching so much mystery movies, its getting to my head.

I drag myself away from my seat and into Jack's room.

Unfortunately, he wasn't there. If he was, I could have just asked him for it. Why is life sometimes so difficult? Why am I asking so many questions? Why? Just why?

"Now",I mutter," If I was Jack, where would I keep my stationery?"

My eyes fell to the shelf next to his study table.

I decided I would start by taking a look in there.

I opened the shelf and started looking past some papers which looked like they had been discarded in the shelf. When did Jack become a untidy person? As far as I know, I am the untidy one in the family.

I reached out to see if I could feel anything when my hand pushed over a stack of papers onto the floor.

I sign and pick them up. I was about to put them back when I caught the words Vampire Kingdom Academy. The minute I saw those words, my purpose for being in Jack's room left my mind.

Before I could stop myself, I had read the whole letter.
Dear Mr Jack Frank Miller

As you are now 15 years old, you are expected to go through the Vampire Tournament. After completing the tournament, you shall be administered into Vampire Kingdom Academy. If you do not wish to participate in this tournament and be a full vampire, you shall be executed.

Good luck to you, I believe, you shall need it.

Your sincerely

Vampire Kingdom Academy

Did I come here to look for a sharpener for homework? Well, forget homework I need answers from Jack.

This could be a joke from someone in class(although that has a 1/10 percent chance because Jack is the most popular kid in school). But this actually explains a lot. His really pale skin, sudden eye colour change, etc, etc... I'm not going crazy and imagining after all, my brother is a vampire, that's all. It's so funny that he turned out to be one, especially since our parents are vampire hunters. Lol moment.

Then I hear a slight noise. Footsteps. Jack must be coming. I get off the floor and station myself on his bed.

The doorknob turns and he walks in.

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