Chapter 2

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"What the hell are you doing here?" asked a startled Jack

"You, dear brother, have some explaining to do," I pick up the Vampire Kingdom letter and push to his face.

"Oh- "

He begins too narrate a whole novel:

It was on our Birthday, 15th April, that he received the letter. He didn't believe it at first, but began to pay more attention to changes happening to him. When he noticed his eye suddenly changed colours according to his mood, he confirmed he was a vampire. He didn't know what to do because if one refuses, they will be killed. If he tells mum and dad, they will obviously disown him. He finished by breaking down and telling me he didn't know what to do.

"Well," I say, after Jack finally finishes narrating his story, I had to take charge, my brother is in a mess up situation and he (obviously) doesn't know what to do," We aren't gonna tell mum and dad. So when they go to their mission, we need to find out exactly what the tournament is about, and what challenges you will have to face.

"We?" He asks with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Of course WE you dumb-ball!" I say, with irrigation deeply showing in the way I spoke, " You don't expect me to just leave you on your own do you?

"No!" he says quickly, surprised by my little outburst," I just thought you wouldn't want to be in this mess,"

"Well, one things for sure," I say, breaking the silence that had evolved in the room, "You freak'in thought wrong."

"I'm the smarter twin, you need me"


"Don't forget to lock the house when both of you go out," mum said, double checking if she had everything she needed for the mission," If we don't come back by four, invite your friends over, okay?

"Mum," I say, acting as if I was annoyed," You've told us this at least one hundred times already. Honestly, we're not five, we can handle ourselves,"

"I know dear," mum kisses my forehead, "but your still my little babies. You'll always be."

She slung the compact black backpack over her shoulders, making her look exactly like a spy from the mystery movies I watch. A full sleeve black suit, black spy shoes, hair tied in a ponytail, backpack on her shoulders, she was set to go.

"Honey," dad walks in, "got everything?" he asks

Mum simply nods.

"Alright then, lets stop those leaches!" He turns to me," Take care, and we'll see you soon"

"Good bye," mum says, before walking out of the room,"Love you"

"Bye mum," I wave.

As soon as they are out of sight, I head straight to Jack's room. I didn't have to worry about homework because I finished it at two in the morning, nothing new for me.

"Get up sleepy head," I yell," we got some researching to do,"

When he didn't show any sighs of getting up, I did what any sensible person would have. I took the water bottle besides his bed and emptied the whole thing down his face.

He woke up with a jerk." What the- Emily!"

"I had to wake you up," I shrugged, " Yelling at you didn't work, so I took it to the next level."

"You thought that's what a SENSIBLE person would do, didn't you?" he said, emphasizing the word sensible.

"I KNOW that's what a sensible person would have done," I shot back

"No, that's not what a sensible person would have done," he replied back," A SENSIBLE person would have SHOOK me awake, not DROWNED me wake.

I roll my eyes," yeah whatever. You would be awake either way, different methods, same result.Just get ready quickly, we got researching to do."

With that I made my leave. And went to the living-room, chillaxing with a good old novel of Fault In Our Stars. I absolutely love that book!

About five years later, Jack finally decides he looks his best for this world and shows up it the living room. Just kidding, its not 5 years, its five decades.

"Finally," I sigh," I began to get worried you know, its been like almost 6 decades, you usually only take 4.

"Very funny Little Miss Sarcastic"

"You read the book too!"

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"The Little Miss Sarcastic book of course!" I say, excitedly,"by purple_princess143 on Wattpad!"


"I am not a dork, I'm a bookworm," I say with dignity


"Why are we at the Teen Fiction section," Jack wails," Can I remind you that we are here to find information on vampires?"

"Shut up," I exclaim angrily, "I'm trying to remember."

"Remember wha-"


If my memory takes me back correctly, the book was rough and dusty.
I let my fingers glade along the rows of books, until, I found the right one.

"Found it!"

I push the book three times and waited. Yep! It permitted enter! I push open the door, while grinning gleefully at my dear brother's astonished face.

Once we get in, I explain to him that a few months ago, I discovered this secret section by accident.And as the curious girl I was (and still am), I wondered around and found a few things related with Vampire History.

"Welcome, to the secret section. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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