10| that's my type

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Everett felt numb

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Everett felt numb. He had only smoked one cigarette, but he drank himself into oblivion. It isn't as if he wants to feel numb, he just doesn't know any different. For as long as he could remember, drinking and smoking cigarettes was the only way for him to feel nothing so that he could at least feel something.

So as he stands next to a drunk Holly Smith, who was slurring incoherent words at him, he just continued to drink and stare at his sister, the girl he once fucked, and Briar Addison.

"You're a confusing man Ev," Holly Smith mumbled to Everett who didn't even spare a glance at the blonde girl. "You tell me you want to be with me, but then after we fuck, you leave me," Holly slurred as she looked up at Everett. "Why do you leave me?"

Holly was safe. She was someone that Everett could always fall back on when he needed to release his pent up stress. She was always there. It never mattered when they argued, or when they screamed that they hated each other because, in the end, they both knew that one of them will eventually come crawling back the next day. They've known each other since primary school, but they were never in the same friend group until hormones got involved during year 10. It was almost natural, Holly was the prettiest girl in the year and Everett was the most handsome. Some called it fate, Everett called it peer pressure.

Everett had never grown up with feelings. It was always a new foster home every few months until one stuck. Until he met his foster sister Rowan. That was when he felt his ever first feeling, care. They both cared for each other in different ways, yet similar. Neither wanted to feel anything but they knew that they had each other's backs. Rowan of course began scolding Everett once she saw that he got back together with Holly after she cheated on him, but Everett never listened.

Holly and Rowan are the only people in his life that has ever stuck around. Rowan was out of pure sibling love, whereas Holly was just attracted to those toxic men that break your heart repeatedly. He doesn't mean to hurt her, he just doesn't want to deal with the consequences of someone else leaving him.

"Because it's the only thing I have ever known."

And with that, Everett stormed out of the house and towards the back garden where he could get some fresh air. Although it wasn't that fresh since clouds of smoke covered the area.


"Why do we have to go home? I was just about to get laid," Rowan slurred the last word as she hung off of her brother, who was practically dragging all three of the girls back to his flat.

"Considering I'm your brother Ro, I don't want to know about you almost getting fucked," Everett huffed out as Briar began humming beside him.

"Well do you want to know when I did get fucked?" Rowan giggled as Everett closed his eyes in frustration.

"Maybe he won't, but I definitely will," Bexley chuckled as she skipped over to Rowan and they linked arms walking (ish) in front of an annoyed Everett and a very drunk Briar. "So, how big was he?"

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