Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Zander was failing when it came to ignoring Anthony. Yet again his best friend’s boyfriend was mentioning Lena. He could just go home where he wouldn’t have to listen to it but there was a chance his girlfriend might show up and he didn’t want to face her yet. There was little doubt in his mind she’d be upset about his stunt at school.

There was some keys jiggling outside the front door before it opened a moment later. Mel stood on the other side. Her eyes locked with Zander’s and he knew instantly she had already seen Lena.

“Do we need to prep for the apocalypse?” Zander resorted to a quick wit remark, it was easier than focusing on the thumping of his heart. Deep down he knew there was a changing point coming up in his new relationship. He just didn’t think it was going to be a good one.

Mel shrugged. “Maybe, she did look like a zombie on the way to her room. She mentioned she told her friends that you’re together. That’s good, right?” she was good at a lot of things but when it came to being optimistic, it felt forced. “What are you girls up to?”

“Tossing around ideas.” Anthony answered. “Well, I talk and he just sits there.”

“What kind of ideas?” she asked, adjusting the baseball cap Zander gave her years ago.

“We’ve been partnered up for our latest assignment. I think we should use both you and Lena.” Anthony glanced at Zander. “He hasn’t said anything.”

Zander smirked. “Tell her the rest,” he inched closer to where the pair stood. “It’s a body paint challenge and it involves,” he cupped his hands around his mouth and whispered. “nudity.”

“Light nudity.” Anthony corrected. “It’s nothing perverted.”

“No, uh-huh, I think you have a twin fetish and it’s unhealthy.” Zander said next.

“You know what I think?” Mel piped up, making her way to sit on the couch. “I think since it’s about working together as a team, you should just paint each other. That’d be hot. You can sell them to make some money on the side.”

Both men shared a look. It was Zander in the end who spoke up first. “I think she’s on to something.” no one was sure if he was joking or not.


Lena laid in her bed with her arms and legs spread out. She stared up the blank ceiling, wishing it’d give her some wisdom. She felt utterly lost.

Her mother tapped on the bedroom door before stepping inside. “Lena?” she flipped the light on next. “What’s wrong?” it was a question she was used to asking. Lena sometimes had a habit of being overly dramatic. This wasn’t one of those times though. She wasn’t upset because she missed a shoe sale or someone said something that she couldn’t forget.

Lena kept her eyes on the ceiling. “It’s nothing.” Normally she’d jump at the chance to complain, this wasn’t one of those times either. She didn’t know how to put her broken heart into words.

“Did something happen with Zander?”

Her face crumbled. “No.”

She stepped farther into the room, planting her butt on the bed. “Come on, tell me, you know it’ll help.”

“I like him.” Lena confessed, her eyes still glued upward. It was like if she actually looked at another person the tears she tried to hold back would finally win.

“I see that. I’ve never seen you smile the way you do around him. Did he do something?” her voice was on edge with a mother warrior authority, ready to fight anyone who dare hurt her daughters.

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