Chapter 1

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They say I'm a traitor. Maybe I am. All I know is that I did what I had to do.

-6 months earlier-

It was a really drab day, the kind that made Nora want to get back into her soft bed and fall asleep in the warm safe haven it provided but instead she placed her feet onto the tattered rug on her hardwood floor and untangled herself from the covers.

Her head was spinning, she could narrow down the cause to the empty bottle of red wine that was sitting on her dresser. A reminder of how terrible the last night had been.

She groaned and placed her head in her badly manicured hands.

Her blue hair fell in a tangled heap around her head, she attempted to run her hands through the mess but gave up when she felt definite resistance.

Fully opening her eyes to the light seeping through the crack in the blinds she raised herself from the bed and stumbled her way into the bathroom.

She needed to shower but in order to do that she had to locate the light switch.

After fumbling around for what could have been a solid five minutes she finally felt the shape of the switch form under her fingers, leaning against the bathroom door frame she flicked on the light and blinked back against the harsh white that attacked her eyes and worsened her headache.

After her eyes had somewhat adjusted to the light she made the smart decision and went to splash her face with water. Turning on the tap and splashing it into her face, she winced as the cold water hit her but managed to persevere.

Nora could not be late to work, her boss would not give a flying fuck that Nora was feeling near death and that her long standing girlfriend had broken up with her the night before which had led to Nora making some bad decisions that included a bottle of wine.

All that Sam would care about was if Nora was still clear headed enough to do her job, it didn't matter if the world was burning down. Nora had to be on time to work.

Finally feeling a little less close to death Nora managed to shrug off her clothes and get into the shower.

She was greeted with a blast of hot water and had to jump backwards so that she wouldn't get burned.

Once the water had decided it didn't want to burn her and it became a more bearable temperature she got to washing her tangled hair and hopefully rinsing away last night's mascara tear tracks that had stained her face.

She wasn't surprised that Zoe had broken up with her, it was going to happen sooner or later. They had begun dating in their first year at the centre but as time went on they both got into different jobs and their realities didn't fit anymore.

Nora was a lightseeker and spent everyday out in the streets "vacuuming" up stray Cybi that had escaped from the pits.
Zoe was a fancy assistant to one of the most notorious businessmen in the city, they had both been living entirely different lives and Zoe had finally decided last night that Nora didn't fit into her rich and fancy lifestyle anymore.

'You're not the same person Nora'...those had been Zoe's last words to her before she had swept out of the restaurant in a flurry of perfectly cut blond hair and a sickening amount of fake designer perfume.

Nora had been expecting it, but that didn't make the end any less painful. Zoe had been there from the beginning. They had rented out that old shitty apartment together and got to know the city together but when Zoe started rising the ranks of society and Nora stayed further below Zoe had decided that Nora wasn't good enough and she'd left.

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