💞Reichtangle & Child! Mute! Reader 💞

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(Y/n) PoV:

I opened my eyes to see colors passing by me in a rush, like I was falling but I couldn't feel the wind.soon it went pitch black, and it felt like I was falling for hours.

But after those hours I found myself falling, feeling the wind this time. "Oh scheiße!" I thought, my instinct was to try and slow my falling by making my body area thing larger, but I had already curled up into a ball for some stupid reason, but then a man caught me. Because of how fast I was falling, he did get pushed down a bit but something kept him up. I looked up from my curled position and saw that he had a polish flag on his face and white wings which kept him in the air. "Are you ok?" He asked me, I gave him a nod. he held onto me tightly as he brought us to the ground. Once he landed he asked me, "I know this may sound stupid but can you walk?"

I gave him a small nod, as he set me on the ground. I stumbled a bit on my first step, but was fine after it. "Well I already have a meeting to go to, I guess you'll have to go too..." he said. "Oh my name is Poland, what is yours?" Poland asked me. '(Y/n)' I told him in sign language (ASL).

He looked confused before realizing something, he gave me a small notebook and a pencil. "You can write in this!" Poland said. I quickly wrote down 'my name is (y/n)' "that's a nice name!" He said before telling me that he was running a bit late for the meeting.

After walking for a bit we were in front of a tall building, "that's where I have to go ok?" He said, to which I replied with a meek nod. Once inside there were a lot of humans going around doing their business, but not a lot of people like Poland.

He slowly nudged me into an elevator and clicked on one of the top buttons. Still holding my hand, when the doors opened he walked out of the elevator. Soon we arrived at a room which I think is the meeting room as I could hear a lot of yelling from inside of it.

I didn't like the yelling at all. It scared me, would they start yelling at me next?! Poland pushed open the door, and the room went silent, all eyes on us. "Poland, who is that?" A man with what looked to be a world map on his light blue face said. "This is (y/n) UN, I kinda caught her while she was falling out of the sky." Poland said to who I now know as UN. More people turned their eyes to me now.

I hid behind Poland, hating their stares. "Guys could you please stop, you're scaring them!" Poland said trying to get then to stop starring, but that only made more people look. I just couldn't take it, I quietly ran out of the room and into some random direction.

"(Y/n)! Come back!" Poland said, trying to catch my small body. I took many twists and turns to lose him, which I succeeded in doing, but what I also succeeded in doing was getting lost.

I sat down out of breath and sat my head on my knees, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a man staring down at me, a rectangle head, and looking at me with concern in his white beady eyes. He signed something to me, but I couldn't understand it. 'He must be signing in something other than ASL' I though looking up at his face to so my confusion.

I saw that he had the flag of the German Empire on his face. It scared me a bit before he gave me a small paper, "Ich bin reichtangle, was ist du heißt?" Was written on it. I was still learning German but I could understand what he said, "I am reichtangle, what is your name?" I grabbed the notebook and pencil that Poland gave me and wrote down, 'ich heißt (y/n)' aswell as an 'ich spreche nur ein bisschen deutsch.' So That he knew that I wouldn't understand everything he said.

He read the note and wrote down, 'Was ist deine Muttersprache?' I read the note and looked at him confused, before writing down, 'sprichst du Englisch?' (Do you speak english?) And handing it back to him. He read it before writing something else down, "yes, is that your native language?" I read the note and nodded.

After an hour of writing back and fourth I got pretty tired. I felt really safe around him for some reason and opened my arms for a hug, He looked confused before giving me a hug. I set my head on his shoulder and whispered, "g-guten Nacht u-und d-danke" in my hoarse voice before falling asleep.


Germany PoV:

I sat there trying to calm Poland down when I got a text. I looked at it to see it was a photo from reichtangle, my grandpa. I opened the text before seeing a selfie of him and the kid that we were looking for. "Ah hahaha, Polen- look!" I said, showing him the cute photo. He let out a sigh, "atleast someone found her." 

Hey guys, not a lot to say, enjoy.


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