Fun at the Library (lemon)

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Eren Yeager.

Just saying his name out loud would be enough to make me feel fuzzy inside. 

Everytime I saw him pass by me I would feel my heart racing and be filled with excitement.

Truly, it was a shame. Such a shame.

Because I had never even talked to him.

Not even once.

I was studying in the library, when I noticed him walking in. 

'How unusual to see him here' I thought, peeking above the book I was reading.

I was wearing my reading glasses, some plain and boring clothes, and on top of that I was on a table in between the bookshelfs. I could see the entrance, but I doubted he would notice someone like me, once more. All I could do was observe from a distance.

How it allways was. How it would allways be.

I sighed and turned my attention to the book I was reading. Really, there was no point in developing a crush like this. One that could never be fulfilled.


I couldn't help but feel atracted to his well defined body... his hair tied in a messy manbun, or his captivating mysterious look...

I took another peek above the book, but he was already gone. I sighed once more, not realizing someone was right next to me.


I was startled by his voice and jumped to the side. It was... him! I was so shocked I did not answer back.

'Sooo...' he continued as he sit next to me. 'I heard you're very good at science. Could you perhaps help me with this thing -' he interruped himself 'oh right, my name is Eren. You're (y/n) right?'

Dumbfounded for finally getting the chance to be face to face with him, I felt a grin growing on my lips and I tried to cover it with the book.


'And... will you help me?'


I didn't know what I was signing up for, but if it was with him, then of course I would accept!

'Great. I'll come here tomorrow at 6pm, you available?'


Cursing yourself internally for your limited vocabulary, you watched as he left the library.

So he just came there to see me...?

It felt almost like a dream. 

It just couldn't be real.


The next day I was back at the library, waiting for it to be 6pm. I could barely contain my excitement, but I had rehearsed in the mirror things I could say and how to act. I would have to appear calm and collected. It was a simple thing to do. Super easy.

I saw him entering the library and my heart began to race.

No... it won't be easy at all!

'Hey' he said while raising one hand.

'Hello' I replied back this time 'tell me then, what was it that you needed help with?'

Good. I was managing to maintain a serious tone, and a calm behaviour. I can do this.

He hesitated for a bit before looking away and answering 'it's about a book further down' I looked at the further part of the library, that had big corridors surrounded by books.

Eren Yeager (older) x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now