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Jamal Reigns A/N: Just a fair warning I'm writing where covid 19 doesn't exist in this book and wwe is traveling the world. But this disease is a very serious discussion and not to be taken lightly just please wear a mask and stay 6 ft away from strangers. #StaySafe Los Angeles Ally'sPOV
I ran around the arena trying so hard to get away from everyone.
I just wish they'll leave me alone since I was just cheated on since New Year's Day by my fiancé with someone who I thought was my best friend.
Michelle Cena, John Cena and Nikki Bella's daughter.
We met during our wwe tryouts, at first I didn't like her but slowly opened up to her, Paige tried to tell me not to trust her but I was too stubborn.
I guess she can tell me I told you so after I tell her the news.
I ran past Roman's locker room and bumped into a wall. Oh wait it's a person! Damn it!
"Hey are you okay" Roman asked running up to me and the new guy.
"I'm fine, just check on him" I said pointing at the guy who looked like Roman almost.
He was still catching his breath after I ran directly into his chest.
"I gotta go" I quickly said before running away from them.
I ran out to my 1967 mustang and quickly sat down in it before I felt the river of tears coming. I laid my head on the steering wheel and just cried.
Roman's POV "Who was that" Jamal asked me.
"That was Jeff Hardy's niece, Allison" I told him.
"Why did she looked so upset?"
"She must've gotten cheated on again."
"It's a very long story."
I let out a sigh before looking at my cousin's confused face.
"Well Ally was always a shy girl, she wasn't as outgoing as her twin sister, Paige. They're Matt's children with Chyna from a one night stand. She really took her mom's death to heart. When she got with her now ex fiancé for the first time you can see love at first friendship since they were inseparable at birth but it took a turn for the worse. Her ex fiancé, Ariah slowly became toxic towards Ally and would always cheat on her. Ally eventually became tired of it and they broke up. They dated other people but the one Ally dated turned out to be just like Ariah but ten times worse. Hell, she even abused Ally physically, mentally, and emotionally. It took everything in all of us in wwe to get Ally back to normal. She was back to her broken self until Ariah decided to pop back into her life before wrestlemania. Hell they got engaged during the 2019 hall of fame but I guess Ariah showed her true colors again" I explained.