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All wolves around the world are aware of the traditional ways. They understand and respect the workings of a challenge for establishing dominance. Specially a challenge between two alphas. Those are the most dangerous and destructive kind.

After sounding the call for the duel, I instinctively turn to look at my mate. She looks disturbed by the ongoing events. My wolf feels a twinge of jealousy, wondering if her worried expression was out of concern for another male. However, it's easy to convince him that it's natural to be worried about the alpha of her pack. Her expression shifts again as she spots something. I turn to look at the cause of it and find Alcastor Jade. His wolf is a yellowish- blonde kind and raises its head to howl in acceptance of the challenge. So, it's official now.

The two of us will fight until one of us surrenders and receives banishment from both pack territories, or until one of us kills the other. My opponent moves forward to stop in front of my mate. My gut wrenches with rage as the bastard licks the side of her wolf's face. I try to keep my wolf in control, perhaps this was only out of concern that an Alpha has for his Beta. Perhaps they are close frien-

Every thought goes out the window as I watch my mate's body lock up in revulsion when Alcastor went on and started nuzzling her neck. I let out a loud, threatening growl. He was going too far. They both turned to look at me and the rascal took me in with narrowed eyes, looking slightly confused. He turned back, growling at her again as he stepped closer. Her body was still completely stiff as he rubbed his scent all over her. This makes us furious, both Cabe and I. He wants to kill the male and bury him where he stood. But I try to hold him back for the duel to officially begin. Then we'd tear the asshole to pieces.

A second later, we saw red. He suddenly pushed her down and bit her ear while she yelped and whined in pain. Without wasting another second, I growled as I launched myself into the air, hurling towards the two of them. I slammed into the piece-of-crap alpha, making him lose his grip on my mate. I kept her behind me as he circled me, looking at me with a manic glint in his eyes.

Finally, we both circled each other and howled to mark the beginning of the challenge, while everyone moved back to stand in a ring around us. Some snarled and snapped their jaws in anticipation. If I'd hated the male before, after his little display today, now I felt that I completely loathed him. There was no way that I was going to let him win. Not only did the future of my pack depend on it, if I lost this challenge, I would also lose my mate before I can even get a chance to have her.

We both snarled as he finally came at me. Claws out and ready to slit my throat. Cabe slid aside and rammed a paw right in the fucker's face. He moved out, just enough to prevent his jaw from cracking. He came at me again, going for the face this time. With inhuman speed, I dashed around, going for one of his hind legs with my razor sharp canines. Drawing first blood. Cabe especially felt great, still tremendously annoyed with how the brute had treated our mate minutes ago.

Both our wolves were furious and crazed with bloodlust. Without wasting much time, we charged at each other again. We slammed into each other. Standing up on our hind legs. Paws up and slashing. Jaws snapping at each others throats.

I felt a fierce kind of agony on my right shoulder as he dug his claws in deep and held me there. Snarling viciously in my face. I pushed back and slashed my left paw at his chest. Causing three nasty looking gashes to open up. This made him roar in pain, letting go of my shoulder.

We finally broke away. Both trying to catch our breaths, circling once again. Watching. Assessing for weaknesses. By this point, we both had a few. His coat was matted with blood, just as, I'm sure, mine was. Both of us were slightly limping, dragging out the fight. Waiting. Letting the healing kick in. But, that's exactly what I couldn't allow. If the wounds kept healing, there was no telling when this fight would actually end.

Alcastor growled ferociously, presumably coming to the same conclusion as me, and came at me again. I knew he was going for my neck this time. It happened too fast that I couldn't completely deflect his blow. Just barely managing to slip out of his gnashing canines. He still managed to gouge me open as I slashed at his face with my claws. Tearing deep into his skin as he roared in pain. I had clawed at one of his eyes, and while he was still reeling with shock and pain, I rammed my body hard into his.

He went down easily this time. He thrashed as I pushed him down with my paws and closed my jaw around his shoulder. Tearing out a big chunk of his flesh, I sunk my claws deep into his back, growling wildly. He let out a high-pitched whine before he finally fell unconscious.

Hundreds of loud yips and howls of joy, pride, and celebration went up around me. I tilted my head towards the clear blue sky and joined in the merriment with my pack. I retracted my claws from his body as I took in all the blood that had seeped out of him. I could feel his heartbeat. Beating dangerously slow, and hard to detect. There was no way he would walk out of there alive.

Something was odd though. I looked up and noticed what was wrong. Since I had won, the rival pack was now expected to join in as my pack howled. The pack of the losing Alpha in such instances was supposed to acknowledge and accept their new Alpha and bow their heads in a display of submission. However, I came across a strange sight. Instead of looking at me, they all now looked in the direction of someone else. I turned my head towards that direction and found, my mate.

She stood tall, taller than most she-wolves usually were, with her tail and ears perked high. The position of the tail is one of the signs of hierarchy in a pack. A display that is only made by an Alpha. as the wheels began turning in my head, she growled directly at me. I focused on her once again to find her looking at me straight in the eyes. Challenging my position, my authority. What was she up to?

When I finally realized the unbelievable scenario in front of me, was as if someone had hit me in the face with a brick. All the wolves behind her, starting with her three friends, began to howl now. But it was not in acceptance of me.

"Alpha, is this what I think it is?", I could hear Axel's uncertainty as he mind-linked me.

"I'm afraid it is", I answered. Still not quite believing what was happening.

"The Dark Blood Pack, they've accepted this female as the new Alpha instead of you? Are they crazy?", he went on, beginning to sound angry.

"It's not uncommon. She was their Beta. She's only doing what's expected of her in the instance of the death of their Alpha."

"But they've lost already!", he continued, sounding incredulous now. It was safe to say that even I was doubtful about what was about to happen.

"When a Challenge of the Alphas is initiated, it does not necessarily imply to the original two Alphas. Even after one of them is declared victor, any wolf who is unhappy with the outcome of the fight, or simply believes that they are better suited for the role of an Alpha, has the right to make a challenge for the claim of power and dominance. It seems that the rival pack has chosen their champion.", I finish explaining just as the fierce she-wolf before me tilted her head up to howl powerfully.

"So, now she is-

"Yes", I cut him off. I felt sick to my stomach. How could things still have gone horribly wrong? "She is their Alpha now. And she just sounded the call for a Challenge."

* * * * * * * *


Hello :)

Sorry, this one took longer than usual. I got quite sick last week and it was bad 😬

Thanks for sticking around ^_^

PS. That's Alcastor btw ^

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