Jealous Irene

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Irene's POV

"I will be going now. Please consider meeting Sunmi-unnie." Seulgi said with her eye smile. Gosh, she's so beautiful especially when she smiles like that. I really don't want to meet her sister but I can't say NO with that smile. Lately she makes me feel different things. She always look at me like I'm the most beautiful person in the world. She takes care of me so much that sometimes I felt like I don't deserve it. She's  a very kind hearted and warmth person. I think I'm starting to like her. Ugghh, I'm so confused. I've never been attracted to girls but Seulgi is a different story. Am I attracted to her because of all the attention she's giving me that even Bogum wasn't able to give me? I don't know but it's driving me nuts.

Our morning classes were as boring as hell and I'm so glad it's done and we'll be in lunch.

"You know Irene-unnie, why don't you just call Seulgi to ask why she's not here yet rather than just waiting and staring at your phone?", Wendy exclaimed.

"I'm not waiting for her Wendy!", I defended.

"Oh yeah. Deny more unnie! Can't you see? We are the only ones over here. If you're not waiting for her then let's go. Maybe she got tired of you!"

"No! Seulgi.. she'll never get tired of me."

"How sure you are? Look at you. You never once do something for her. She always do all the effort." I think Wendy is trying to push my buttons. "She's the one to ask you for the date thing, yes but that doesn't mean that you have to treat her like she's nothing. Just let go of her unnie,  alot of people are admiring her nowadays."

"Geez Wendy, why do you have to nag me about that. Alright, I will call her."

I go over my contacts and called her.

"Hel-lo Seul-gi. Whe-re a-re you?", I'm so nervous. Ughh

"Irene? Oh shoot, I'm so sorry. I'm still in my class. I'm so busy with the project that we have to submit this week. I have our lunch boxes. I can't be with you today but I can come there for a sec and give it to you." So sweet of her.

"No Seulgi, just stay there and I will meet you there." I saw Wendy smirking. I rolled my eyes on her like saying "Yah bitch, you win"

As soon as I ended the call, Wendy asked me what happened and I told her what Seulgi said.

"Do you know her classroom unnie?"

"Duh, of course I know!"

"Oh whipped!" , I smiled at her sarcastically.

"Let's go now or else I wont be able to hold myself in killing you", we both laughed.

During our lunch dates, I've got to know Seulgi. She's taking up Fine Arts and is the same age as me. She even showed some of her drawings to me and I remembered one time when we both blushed so hard when she accidentally showed the portrait of myself. Tell you, she's so damn good in drawing.

"Oh there, Seulgi is there unnie."

"Seulgi!!!!!!!" , Wendy screamed while waving her hand. Aist, this girl.

Seulgi gestured telling us to come in. As soon as I see her, my blood boils. I don't like the scene I'm seeing right now.

As we are walking, Wendy whispered at me, "Do you know that girl unnie? She's super close to Seulgi like she's ready to take her home?" I'm so pissed off right now and Wendy is not helping at all.

"Who is she Seulgi?", I blurted out, I don't care if I sounded so rude.

"Oww Irene, she's Joy. Joy this is Irene and next to her is Wendy. Me and Joy are partners and we are working on this painting". 

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