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They were on their way to the Hawson orphanage in Arizona, a beautiful couple made up of a man, he as tall almost as a lantern that transmitted with his eyes black as night, the slightest emotion, these also matching his hair of the same color , he wore a magenta bowtie that wrapped around his neck to measure, while he wore it next to his light black tuxedo, he was accompanied by his wife of course, with his eyes as clear as a clear sky without any cloud to obscure them, contrasting perfectly her blonde hair which was held in a bun on her head, while her red dress was gazing at every step she released, both of them showing themselves very elegant since they belonged to the highest class of society suddenly The beautiful woman was given the happiness of adopting a girl in the aforementioned orphanage despite the fact that she already had 4 children at home, which she left in the care of the nannies,

- Choose lady, who do you like the most? - The very kind lady who was in charge of the orphanage indicated the children with a better reputation and with a good attitude, but instead she noticed a girl, who had eyes green, brown hair and pale skin like snow, she was watching from a corner through the window unlike other children who played and ran around everywhere,

- And what about her? - But when the woman dressed in ceda asked her about the girl, the owner of the orphanage changed her expression to a more serious one, seeing her on the floor she explained what was happening - Or Mrs. Carmen could adopt her ..., but that girl never talks to anyone all the time, she spends her time in that corner, psychologists believe that it is due to what she had a trauma ... also ... - she was about to add something else but I did not isolate it, he just remained silent, meditating a little on what he would say next, --But what? - Then the curious woman asked while she held her husband's arm - aa, ... she is a girl with problems ... - saying this she showed them her life file which contained, her file name (Alice Tompson), her age (six years), parental status (they died in a fire suspicious), and some problems with some past kindergarten classmates (he caused cuts to other children),

--mm ... - the woman looked at the file again, then her gaze shifted to Alice who was still in the same position, she sighed, saw her husband and said - maybe she just needs a little love and understanding ..I am, rather we are willing to adopt her anyway - then said the wealthy lady with a happy smile, as she looked at the girl with the hope of giving her a home where she could have love, understanding and maybe help, although did not think that sometimes things may not work out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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