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"Come Gopeswar and Gauri. We have to do Baagdan ritual," Kanha addressed disguised Shiv Parvati after the crowd gave them a huge applaud.

"All the arrangements are done already. Pitashri and matas are waiting for further proceedings," Dau told in excitement, but the his pace became slow down after noticing focused gazes of trios towards him.

They all proceeded towards the venue. Gopeswar and Gauri sat on their respective seats. Vasudev came accompanied by Rohini. Vasudev took Gauri's hand, and Rohini touched his elbow. Then they placed her hand in Gopeswar's hand. Priests were chanting mantras, and ritual got completed. Vasudev pledged as the father of bride to accomplish marriage of Gauri with Gopeswar. In this ritual Vasudev gave his promise for kanyadan.

After ritual Gauri left with ladies as they have to drop her in her chamber.

"We have made separate arrangements for both of yours staying," Kanha told moving his hands in two opposite direction.

"I knew earth isn't a good destination for lovers. Here always separation await for lovers," Gopeswar complained with a sad expression.

"Don't worry, Bholenaath. It's a matter of two days. On the third day it's your marriage. You have to obey the rituals. Other wise I can't take guarantee from mothers' sides," Dau raised his hands upward indicating his helplessness while  uttering the last sentence.

"Is it so? Then I need both of yours support," Gopeswar told making dau amused.

"Support for what, Bholenaath?" Kanha asked showing concern.

"Support in cherishing the moments of my love secretly, without getting caught," Brothers looked at each other after Gopeswar replied.

"Then make Kanha your partner. But forgive me. I am ignorant about all these," Dau walked few steps away from the duo.

"You are my dau. You came to this earth before me, as my elder brother. Do you know why?" Kanha asked side hugging dau which was creating not so safe vibes to dau.

"In order to become prey for your all deeds," Dau smirked teasingly.

"Though it's true, it doesn't sound nice. Say you came before me for my protection. Now you have to be with me by hook or crook," Kanha patted on dau's shoulder.

"Hey Narayan! Hey Mahadev!" Dau uttered in a pleading tone making the duo share playful glances.

"You had chosen yourself to become my dau. Now why are you troubling me?" Kanha chuckled making dau worried.

"Yes, decision was yours so," Gopeswar paused looking at dau.

"So outcomes should be mine too," Dau completed with wide eyes imagining what he had to face.

"Obviously!" The duo stated from both sides of dau.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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