Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

Alex was enjoying his pancakes while watching some television in the living room as the same for Kefla too with Cabba sleeping in for the rest of the day after training with the universe 7th Saiyan from time to time as he's also easily beaten obviously as he looks at his girlfriend with an excited smile "Hey I got an idea Kefla, how about we have a fusion battle!!" Alex said to her excitedly which she happily agrees in doing with him telling the boy. "Yeah!! Let's do it but we already know I'm gonna win this one!!" She said acting cocky as ever with him giving a small smirk knowing the actuality as the two Saiyans were enjoying an average breakfast meal of the day after weeks of training throughout his universe and she already achieve super Saiyan 3 which is amazing and very happy for her success in that but knowing this is just the beginning for his girlfriend who was liking the idea already going along with it then asks him. "Then who will you fuse with is it going to be Son Goku or Vegeta?!" She said having to tell her that it'll be the one person she still wants to fight and beat that is his first master Son Goku of course since Vegeta does hate fusing in the first place wouldn't want to do that as the plan is settled as he finished up his food and began searching for his mentor that didn't take too long anyway cutting over to Goku and Vegeta training in the time chamber at Kami's lookout as the time is set for one day instead of a year.

Goku's POV

He was clashing and mostly deflecting the prince's attacks having to use some ki blasts to knock him away but was going full out onto his rival/friend wasn't holding back his barrage of punches and kicks seeing Vegeta doing the same as the two were changing forms in the process creating shockwaves and bouncing off each other's energy while some beam struggles shot here and there as they've kept on going throughout the morning having to finish some work on the farm for his wife Chichi, he continues pushing forward against the prince as usual ends with both being tied together knowing how when these two fight it'll be a while as Goku was taking a breather having to feel his student and Kefla's energy come this way so did Vegeta in wonder of what they want as the two older Saiyans walked outside greeting them. "Yo guys what brings you here!! Did you both want to train with us!?" He asked calmly with his usual grin having Vegeta was observing the two younger ones who one of them spoke up their reason which is Alex firstly.

Alex's POV

He stepped up giving out his reason to why they've come here with such a excited grin on his face having to point out at Goku at the same time with Kefla in the back giving off her usual smirk as her arms were crossed waiting patiently for things to unfold incase they're willing to do this opportunity. "We came here to have a fusion battle Goku!!" He said to him excitedly as leaving the low class warrior to then get hyped up in wanting to do that not seeing this as a bad idea but having Vegeta immediately interjects cutting off their excitement. "HELL NO KAKAROT!!! IM NOT FUSING WITH YOU!!!" He yelled out at his rival/friend who instantly spooked out and leaned back from slight surprise of the prince yelling at him of not wanting to do it. "Oh no no!! Vegeta not with you but instead me and Goku will fuse" he said to the prince who was then nodding agreeing with that idea didn't want any part in fusing as the clown was nodding softly having to quick get onto position with performing the dance and succeeded as Kefla was excited being on the other side of the time chamber prepared to fight.

Golex's POV

The fused warrior was back again as light appears for a second dimming down for the fused female Saiyan witnessing their presence for the first time knowing this is the second time of the two fusing for fun of course and wanting to see which one is better keeping his happy confident self but can switch into serious mode knowing she has a lot of potential of getting stronger feeling off of her energy, he was crossing his arms softly giving a calm smirk knowing fully well now his other younger self is in love with this girl at the moment seeing her as their sparring partner obviously still being half Goku but he didn't care. "Ooh~ baby don't worry I won't go easy on ya" he said to her with a small smirk that makes her blush and giving back the same energy too.

Kefla's POV

"Well Well~ Looks like someone sounds confident in winning I'll show you what we're made of~" she said right back as the fused female giving him a small little wink getting a great view of their fusion counterpart slowly forgetting that Goku is still fused with her boyfriend until the prince reminded them by immediately telling the two off being a bit uncomfortable and irritated from his younger student flirting away alongside Kakarot fused with his little girlfriend of the 6th universe, "WILL YOU TWO JUST FIGHT ALREADY, STOP FLIRTING!!!" He yelled out at them in the distance standing still with his arms crossed looking serious out of all people wouldn't want to be hearing his student acting this way with the clown combined that quickly startled them at first gotten little bit too comfortable with their intimate bantering having her remain in base form for now testing out their power both gotten into fighting stances as she began dashing at him and clashing fists starring the match.

Third Person's POV

The two fused fighters were clashing their attacks on repeat jumping back then dashing in again creating some shockwaves with every hit against each other as Golex wasn't going to let her shots hit him with some blocking and immediate deflecting having an opening with kicking into her stomach knocking her away as he rushes at her covering himself in white ki began throwing punches throughout her body with one roundhouse kick to her face hitting hard enough to make her lose some balance before standing properly then charges at him, using her feet that was connecting a little bit but he caught every single one until elbowing her face stopping the girl in her tracks even weaves around for a second even slides form under slapping her ass quickly enough giving Kefla a smirk and small blush knowing he shouldn't tease at a time like this getting serious about to hit him before he turns around kicking her chest and throws two yellow ki blast blasting her body up as he shoots out several more that engulfs and explodes leaving her burned and beaten up a bit as she was sitting on her butt for a second before getting up tiredly but grunts in anger and rushes him again with both attacking harder every clash connecting and moving at max speed all over the ground then in the air rapidly he was putting the breaks on her initially didn't even have to use super Saiyan he was easily overpowering her they aren't on the same level for him to even transform for a second and she even went to SSJ2 trying to at least hit him once but was failing until she transformed into SSJ3 using her gigantic burst holding two spheres of red/green mixed together firing at her opponent who stood there with a calm smile before taking out his hands creating a purple ki orb in his left and another blue ki orb in his right hand firing a mixed much larger Galick Kamehameha clashing together having a beam struggle then instantly pushing his signature technique forward breaking hers completely and was being engulfed by it until fading away having her fall losing this match and Golex teleport below catching her in his arms being held close and safe giving her a warm smile saving the fused warrior from crashing with the past 30 minutes later were up defusing the two male warriors with Alex holding onto the unconscious Saiyan. "Well looks like Golex wins this one!! Thanks Goku for doing this with us" he said happily waiting for his response "Well I do love fighting so of course I've had fun, you enjoyed too right Vegeta!?" Goku said Turning towards the prince who kept a honest answer. "I already knew you two would win, giving the fact how that kind of power is expected when fusing and how she lacks discipline and focus!! You both are too childish with one another" he said calmly looking off for a moment then back at the two as the young Saiyan gives him an honest wholesome response. "Yeah well she's still my girl!! Later guys" he said smiling at them before walking out of the time chamber and flying away back to the cabin where he met up with Cabba telling him what happened and he was bummed missing the match as Kefla woke up realizing her condition was given a senzu bean to heal complaining at first with her boyfriend. "Dammit!!! I lost I wanted to keep pushing myself but fine you win Alex Hmph!!" She said huffing away with crossed arms as he hugs her softly with a small grin like his mentor Goku. "I love you too Kefla!!" as he gives her one small kiss on her cheek with the day ending on a good note.

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