Two small children dance through the long grass which seemed to be dancing right along with them.
The little girl, with glittering sky blue eyes and golden hair, and the little boy, who had tan skin and ebony eyes, giggled with each other in the rich sunlight of the evening.
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
The small girl joyfully shouted.
The boy threw his hands up to the sky, eyes glittering like the early stars peaking through the sky.
"What's in a name? That flower which we call a rose smells just as sweet by any other name."
The green grass now burnt, and the sky no longer bright and beautiful.
Her hair no longer golden but instead dull and matted with blood, sobs out the familiar words.
"O Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
The boy responds as he lifts his head to lock his now cloudy eyes with hers.
"With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, love dares to attempt."
With the sun rising over the horizon, he leaves earth, taking with him the last of her happiness.
PoetryMmnhmmhnmmn..... words but honestly I've moved to Ao3 and I only come here to publish my shity poetry, I should get a therapist but I cope like this instead :p