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You had a rough day at school today.  The Yuki fan club tormented you all day because you admitted you weren't interested in him, but someone else.  They've tried to hurt your feelings, but you're too guarded for that.  Instead, you get under their skin.

"If you don't love Yuki then you're as worthless as a white crayon" one girls says.

"Wow, haven't heard that one before" you think to yourself while mentally rolling your eyes.

"Yeah!" says another.  "I've heard about your grades, you don't belong at this school!  The only reason you're here is because of the Sohma family!  They probably had to BEG and bribe with money for your pathetic ass to even get in".

"You're about as dumb as a fucking sloth.  I'm not going to lie and say that I have feelings for him when I don't, get over it" you snap back.

"Why you little-" she says back.

Kyo and Tohru come from around the corner and Kyo says "(y/n), let's go.  We're going home".  You follow him out the door with your rage and sadness swarming around you like bees.  "They're right, though.  That did happen.  Ever since I my parents died I've lived with the Sohma's but couldn't afford to go to school here.  It doesn't help that over the past few months I've started to have a crush on Kyo..."

"Hey, is something the matter?  You seem kind of down" Kyo asks.  "No, everything's fine, just had another run-in with the Yuki fan club" you reply with irritation.  He gives you a concerned look then shrugs his shoulders and continues walking.

"Hey, where's Yuki?" you say looking back towards the school.  "Oh, he had to stay after for a while, something about student council" Tohru says, happy and cheerful as always.

You look at Tohru who's smiling and think to yourself "God, how can she stand to be like that all the time?  It must be exhausting, does she never get sad?  Angry?  How does she do it?  I know she lost her mom too, but... how?".  

You mind to yourself until you guys get home and you go straight upstairs to your room.  You skip dinner thinking about what the girls said earlier, and think about your parents.  "Ugh, I wish you guys were here to tell me what to do, what to say.  I let my anger take over too much and get into too many fights.  I need your guys' advice, I need YOU".  You look at the framed picture you have of them and hug it, letting a few tears slip away that eventually turn into quiet sobs.  You grip the frame and cover your mouth hoping nobody will hear them so you won't be bothered.  Tohru makes her way to your room and tries to get you to eat, but you refuse.  You're just too upset, you don't have the desire to eat, you have no appetite when you get like this.  You simply ignore her hoping she'll go away, which she eventually does.  She knows what goes on at school with those girls who constantly pick on you. You make her swear to secrecy that she won't tell the others so they don't worry and she agrees.  It gets to be about 11:30 PM and you decide to put on a sweatshirt and go to the rooftop to think.

You've been up there for a while, gazing at the stars.  Looking at the different constellations, seeing the shooting stars pass by.  It brought up an old memory of yours, one of you and your parents.  You remembered it like it was yesterday, you guys were in the park during the month of December.  It was dark outside with the millions of stars shining, but still the glow of the park lights.  There was snow on the ground, so you decide to have a contest with your very competitive father to see who can build the best snowman.  You being only 7, it was quite the disadvantage.  But you didn't let it get in your way, because you built the best snowman you could make.

"Look dad!  I'm already finished!" you yell in excitement.

"Oh don't you worry (y/n).  When I'm done, this'll be the best snowman you'll ever see!  Just putting on the finishing touches!"

And my god, of course it was.  He even smoothed it out so that each section of the snowman was perfectly round and smooth.  He found stones that were all about the same size so that it wouldn't "look weird" as he would put it.  You got discouraged, but you weren't surprised.  You smiled and said "You get me again, dad!  I'll get you next time for sure, you'll see!".

As you thought back on the memory, you could feel tears going down your cheeks again.  You wiped them away and heard someone coming up onto the roof.  You looked over and it was Kyo.

"Hey, what are you doing up here so late?  It's cold out.  Come inside, or you'll catch a cold."

"I'm okay Kyo, I'm just thinking.  It's too nice out to be inside right now" you replied.

He came over and sat next to you and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders causing you to blush, so you look down.

"I heard what those girls were saying to you today.  They can get pretty mean, but you can't let it get to you".  He looks over at you and sees the shining tear steaks going down your cheeks from the moonlight.  "Hey you alright?  Here, take this" he says as he hands you a handkerchief.

"Thanks Kyo, but that isn't what I was thinking about.  I mean yeah the can get mean, but I can handle myself.  They're still mad I don't like Yuki, I was trying to tell them I like someone else but of course they wouldn't listen" you say as you roll your eyes.  You turn to look at Kyo with your bright (e/c) eyes, who looks away while blushing.

He looks at you and asks nervously; "Do you mind me asking who you like?"

You were shocked by his question, you looked down and started to fidget with your fingers.  "I...I don't know, Kyo".  You pull your knees into your chest and feel a hand rest on your shoulder.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he says.

You thought for a minute, and decided that you might as well tell him.. He'd find out eventually.  "It's you, Kyo.  It's okay if you don't like me back, I would understand all too perfectly".

He looked shocked as you said this, he didn't expect your answer to be him.  "To be honest (y/n), I've liked you for a while too.  I may not have shown it, but that's because I couldn't.  If Akito were to find out I'd be sent away, or you.  But if we want to be together then Yuki, Shigure, and Tohru have to keep us a secret".

You were overfilled with joy.  You guys sat there and talked for a while before heading back inside.  You were making your way back to your bedroom when Kyo stopped you.  Whispering, he asked "hey, so... would you be my girlfriend?" while rubbing the back of his head.

You smiled, and said "of course, Kyo".

Kyo Sohma x Reader (some lemons)Where stories live. Discover now