First ever class

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You're in Snape' s class

You: who's that?
Hermione: thats professor snape
You: Okay, he teach potions?
Hermione: Yes, kind of strict to be honest with you
You: well then..
Snape: anyone tell me what amortentia is?
Hermione: Please sir..An amortentia is the strongest love potion, drinking it make you in love with the person who gave it and smelling it makes you smell what the person you like , like.
Snape: maybe ms.y/l/n can try it since she is the new student that got upgraded....already..
You: umm...i smell..broomsticks..grass and..wood?
Snape: must know who it is
You: not really doesn't point out who it really is
Snape: go back to your seat

You went back to your seat

Hermione: strict really..
You: not bad for a teacher tho
Hermione: you know who you smelled?
You: not really..but i has to be a quidditch guy..i just have a feeling of it
Hermione: thought of that as well..
You: hope the quidditch pitch will be not crowded today
Hermione: hey! The whole slytherin quidditch team is going there today..
You: you mean the guys?
Hermione: sort of like that..
You: malfoy...sure will not be good there today
Hermione: why are you going there all the time?
You: you have to understand that i am a new beater...if i dont practice the whole team is down
Hermione: you really care about it dont you

Oliver and his friends walks by

Guy 1: youre saying that the new beater is better than Fred and George?
Guy 2: no way! A 3rd year like her cant be that good
Oliver: shut up and come meet me in the pitch later
Guy 2 : if shes good then we need to see her
Guy 1: yea!

You: what did they just say?
Hermione: seems like he and his friends are going too
You: okay?
Hermione: y/n, you need to show me your skills..after hearing them..i want to see how you fly!
You: pitch later, 2.30
Hermione: alright!
Ron: Hermione!
Hermione: what is it Ronald?
Ron: you're going to be at the quidditch pitch later are you?
Hermione: yes, i coming to see y/n
You: hello, you must be ron
Ron:hello y/n!

Quidditch Eyes ( Oliver Wood x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now