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hi everyone! sorry I haven't been the best with updates, writers block sucks (especially with school work on top). I'm going to try and write more, but won't have a set schedule. This was a request with little Aoyama and caregiver Iida. I'm not the most familiar with Aoyama, so if it seems ooc that's probably why. I'm going to try and include some form of French, but we did Italian at school so google translate will help me out.

Aoyamas p.o.v

Today has been not the best. For Tenya, at least.
He woke up in a bad mood and has been quiet, not speaking to anyone. Even Bakugo noticed something seemed off when he didn't get told off for putting his feet on the table.
I went into his room, hoping to figure out what was wrong with mon amour. Instead, he simply planted a small kiss on my cheek and said he was going out for a few hours. I have a feeling he is going to visit his brother, as that's what he usually does when he's in a bad mood.
I trudge over to his bed, taking in the decor of his room and trying not to dwell on how upset Tenya is.
The walls are covered in books. Shelves full of spare glasses. A pile of freshly ironed clothes, waiting to be hung up in the wardrobe. Boring white walls with a boring white ceiling.
It's a very bland room for people whose hobbies don't include reading non fiction books.
I lay there for what felt like forever, not paying attention to how fuzzy my mind was going.
After a few more minutes, I got sick of staring at ceiling. I pulled open one of the drawers on his bedside table, where he keeps my spare pacifier.
It's covered in white sequins with a small moon charm on the centre. It was the first thing he bought me when he found out about my regression.
I placed it in my mouth, instantly feeling a little better about everything around me.
I was entranced by the way the light reflected off of the pacifier and onto the wall. It was like fairies had appeared and were throwing a small dance party.
I sat, staring at the light on the wall, when I had a stroke of genius.
I know what this room is missing.
It's missing something interesting. It is missing something to set it apart from the rest.
It's needs  s p a r k l e
                                                                                                ~ ~ ~
Once I had collected everything I needed, I looked at the wall and tried to think of the perfect sparkly thing it needed. Now, I wasn't going to throw glitter on the wall and call it a day. I know how upset papa gets when I make a mess.
I had decided I was going to make him something he could hang on the wall. I just had to figure out what.
I sat at his desk, intensely sucking on my paci and staring at the blank piece of paper in front of me.
I looked around waiting for inspiration, for my muse.
Then I spotted one of the photos he has on his desk.
It's of the two of us, sitting on a park bench together. It was of our first date.
He took the photo once we had finished feeding the ducks at the lake, which he had partially fallen in. There was an area of tall grass where the fence stopped, and he thought it was a small picnic area. He ended up stepping into the lake, which went up to his knees and scared the rest of the ducks away.
It was a really good day and one that was filled with good memories.

Iidas p.o.v

I walked through the doors to Heights Alliance, hoping no one would stop and chat. I'm really not in the mood for it today. I made a beeline towards the elevator, keeping my head down and avoiding eye contact with everyone I passed.
I was pressing the button to make the elevator doors close faster, but unfortunately Midoriya was faster. He managed to squeeze in right before the doors closed.
"Oh Iida, you're back! How was your brother?"
"Hello Midoriya. Tensei was as well as could be expected. He's making a steady recovery." I said, praying for the doors to open so I could go to my room. Thankfully, they did.
"Goodbye Midoriya. I will see you at dinner."
I think he went to say goodbye, but the doors closed before he had a chance. I took a deep breath, then continued my journey to my dorm.
The door was closed, but I could hear quiet noise from the inside. Yuga must have spent all afternoon waiting for me to come back.
Then I heard the two of the worst noises I possibly could've heard today.
I heard something fall on my desk, followed by an "uh oh"
I opened the door, to see him trying to pick up the glitter he spilled all over my desk and onto the floor.
"Yuga Aoyama! What did you do?" My voice boomed, which I really didn't mean to happen.
He jumped a small bit, as I don't think he heard me come in. He turned to me, eyes welling with tears.
He was trying to say something, but he kept stuttering. He started fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, getting glitter all over it.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.
"Just- just go to your room please. I need to clean this mess up and you need time to calm down"
He walked past me, wiping a tear from his cheek as he went.
I heard the door close loudly when he pulled it shut.
We both need time to calm down, and the most logical way to do that is to spend a few minutes alone. At least, that's what I keep telling myself to avoid thinking about how poorly I handled that situation.
I rubbed my temples as I went to sit down, then stared at the glittery mess that now is my desk.
I really should clean it now, but I really would prefer to not.
I noticed that the photo I had of the two of us on my desk was now not there. Please don't tell me he's broken it.
As I went to look, I noticed that the photo and frame were perfectly intact thankfully. It was lying down on my desk, right near the massive spill of red glitter.
I saw a small white corner of paper, which I carefully pulled up, trying not to spill anymore glitter on the floor.
The excess glitter fell from the paper and onto the desk, revealing what was hidden beneath.
It was a drawing of the two of us, that had been traced from the photo and coloured in.
Except the very top had "I love you" written in glitter, and was decorated with stickers, stars and hearts.
I sat back down and texted him, asking him to come back to my room.
I would go to his, but it gives me a headache and I can't think straight in that room.
It doesn't take him long to come to my room, but it concerns me how puffy and red his eyes are when he comes in.
He sat down on the bed once I gestured towards it, but sat far away from me. Nice going Tenya, you made your boyfriend scared of you.
He was clutching onto one of the stuffies I had gotten him. It was a cat with golden eyes who he had named Minette, but we both ended up giving her the nickname Minnie as it's hard for him to pronounce when he's in little space.
He pulled the pacifier out of his mouth and was the first one to break the silence.
"'m sorry papa. i didn' mean to be naughty. jus wan'ed you to be happy" He said, tears threatening to spill out any given moment.
"Oh starlight, I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you and made you leave. You weren't being naughty love, you were just trying to make me feel better and accidentally spilled the glitter. I overreacted and I made you upset and scared. Can you ever forgive me?"
He didn't verbally answer, but he did turn around and give me a hug. I scooped him up bridal style and placed him on my lap.
He instantly nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. We stayed like that for i don't know how long.
After a while, I started lightly rubbing his back.
"Thank you for the picture. I love it, and it made me feel a lot better when I saw it."
I planted a kiss on his cheek as a small smile appeared on his face.
At least he feels a bit better.
"You can help me decide where it should go. That way if I'm in a bad mood again, I can look at it and feel better. Because then I'll always remember what a kind and loving boyfriend I have."
That seemed to do it.
He stood up and rushed over to grab the picture. He was holding it against all of the empty spaces on the wall, and even tried to see what it would look like on the roof.
But, he decided the perfect spot would be on the empty wall where my desk is.
I helped him stick it to the wall, wishing I could take a picture of the massive grin on his face.
He really is adorable.
"How about we go downstairs and get some ice cream? We can even put the edible glitter on it. And yes, I know it's breaking my 'no sweets before dinner' rule. But I feel like today can be the exception. Just for you starlight"
We walked downstairs together, hand in hand.

okay darlings! I hope you all enjoyed. probably not my favourite piece I've ever written, but I don't hate it. as always, feel free to leave a request in the comments or message me! please comment if you have any constructive criticism to help me improve my writing and make the one shots more enjoyable for everyone. Love you all 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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