The Doctor's New Companion [Chapter 1]

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The Doctor's New Companion

[Fan Fiction]


****Chapter 1****

I ripped myself from my bed, and it called after me, "Sonya, don't leave me!" I'll miss you too bed, but I must go, I replied. I trudged upstairs going to the fridge. I grabbed a carton of milk, took a swig, and put it back. Heading back to the living room, I heard something.

I heard a noise, a strange noise. It sounded like, melodic breathing, in and out, almost like it was...alive. Chills flew up my spine and goosebumps rose on my arms. Soon, it was over and the silence of the early morning continued.

The sound was so beautiful.

I had to know what it was coming from. I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my Vans. I opened our heavy, light wood, 70's door.

The morning was colder than I had expected and I wrapped my arms around myself. I hurried down the street, fast walking up the coldesac. After I had walked down two streets, I realized I had NO idea where the sound had came from. I couldn't understand why I had even ran after the sound. My memory of it slowly faded away, and I wondered why I'd even got out of the house. I walked back, finally feeling how cold it was.

I came inside and was shivering. My sister had finally woken up, and growled at me for not waking her up sooner. I rolled my eyes when she turned her back. She had red hair like me but it was darker. She was also older, by three years. She was a senior, me, a fresh man. I hated her, but she was, sadly, family, so I had to be nice to her. But, I only had to deal with her for one more year, so, it was a win-win situation.

I went through my daily routine, and went to the bus. My mom couldn't afford a car for my sister (muahaha) so, she got a ride from her friends. I walked to the bus stop, seeing my friends along with the other weirdos. I walked over to Lindsey and her sister, Kendra. Lindsey had long, black hair with dark brown eyes. Kendra was a blond with brown eyes too, but they were so different you wouldn't know they were sisters except for the way they fight.

"Where's Juan?"

"Like I care..." Lindsey muttered.

I rolled my eyes. She really didn't like Juan because she had zero tolerance and he was sorta...special. I suddenly remembered what I'd heard this morning. "You guys will never believe what I heard this morning-" The bus pulled up, cutting me off. I hopped on and sat in my usual spot, next to Jordan. "Heyyy Jojo!"

"Why hello, Sonya!"

I smiled and we continued or conversation until we reached the high school. We filed off the bus, heading for the front of the school. Even though we had a small town, the high school was pretty big. I chatted with Jojo on the way to the gym which they crammed us into before our first period.

Me and Jojo parted ways as when I went to my group of friends at our usual spot. TJ, Maddy, Regina, Gracie, Miranda, and Ethan. "Ugh, you're here?" Ethan said in disgust. He immediately smiled and started laughing "Just kidding! You should have seen your face!" I rolled my eyes. I again remembered that beautiful, strange sound. "You guys, you will never guess what happened this morning. I-" until the bell rang, cutting me off again!

We all grabbed our backpacks and walked to our lockers. Miranda came and said, "So, you were saying?" I looked confused. "Hmm?"

"You were saying about the..." she trailed off her eyes glazing over when her head smacked upright and she continued forward, catching up with Regina. I stared after her. Well, that was bizarre...I shrugged it off as I wound up at my locker.

I spun the dial. Right 16, left 30, right 14. It opened with a clank. I had shoved my stuff in my top of the locker when Kaitlyn, my locker partner, scurried to the locker. "Morning!" I said. "Hey...". I'd known Kaitlyn since 3rd grade, but she was really quiet.

I headed to the hellhole we call gym. I had it in the morning, which sucked, because I'm really energetic by the end of the day. In the changing room, I talked to Kaylie and Sam. I wore a neon green shirt to piss my gym teacher off, because we were supposed to wear grey shirts.

I ran out to the center court and sat down everyone chatted until Mrs. Byrnes came out and when she saw me she sighed and said, "Sonya. When are you going to get a grey shirt?!" I looked down at my shirt and said, "I thought this was grey..."

She rolled her eyes and she announced we were playing basketball. Great, my worst sport. I sucked at basketball. Like suck suck.

* * *

I walked with Sammie back from gym. We got to our lockers which were side by side. "Ugh, I hate Mr. Simpson! Unless he heard that in which case he's an amazing teacher!"

Sam laughed and said, "At least you don't have Mrs. Bowers."

"Well, I do, and she is a chunk of fun."

We laughed and said goodbye. I walked the short distance to Mr. Simpson's class. I came in and sat down next to Jojo. I pulled out my agenda and started to fill it out. I heard an unusually loud murmur in class. That was odd, we were usually quiet...

I finally looked up and was surprised to not see Mr. Simpson, but a man in a pinstripe suit. And sneakers.


This is my first story, so, sorry if it sucks. I added my own "flava" to it. Umm, if this gets a vote or a comment I'll make a second chapter. If not, I'll scratch the story. Let me know how you think this is gonna go, anything really. Thx :D

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