The Doctor's New Companion %Chapter 3%

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Why does this sound familiar? Oh yeah, we've done this day 12 TIMES. It was like someone was pressing the "replay" button on my life. Everyday, we did the EXACT same thing, and I mean EXACT. Everybody said the same things, did the same actions, and no one seemed to notice. Even the weekends, we had school. To everyone else, it was Monday.

On about day 3, I got over the shock and tried to change the way people acted or what they said, but soon found out I couldn't. Even if I switched up the conversation with different topics or changed my answers they just end up steering right back on track.

Now, I was just mouthing the words, like it was my favorite movie. My head was resting on my hand. I was looking at the wall with a absent look on my face. "As you can see, I'm Mr. Smith. I'll be your substitute until Mr. Simpson comes back," I mouthed, perfectly in sync. I sighed this was just getting boring. I'd given up. There was no way to stop this. Or was there?

Suddenly, I snapped back into focus, totally alert. "Meiosis is a special type of cell division that produces gametes with half as many chromosomes."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. You always start with mitosis!!"

"Excuse me, Sonya, watch how you talk to m-"

"No! No! You NEVER change! IT never changes! You changed it. How?!"

"What are you babbling about? I have no idea-"

"Yes, YOU DO! Your the only one who... I- I- can't believe this!"

"That's it! Detention! You will come straight back her after school and I'll call your parents to tell them of your bad behavior."

I sat back down. Everybody was giving me weird looks. Of course they were, I just acted like someone who needed to be in an asylum. Bad game plan Sonya, bad game plan.

I didn't participate in the rest of the class, nor in the next. At lunch, I sat down at my table. And all my friends had heard already. Regina started, "What's wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand, you never do." Now she just looked more confused.

"Sonya, you sound like a mad old lady. Just tell me!"

"I can't!" I yelled too loud, and lowered my voice, "You just CAN'T understand."

Nobody bugged me for the rest of the day. I drifted through the day, waiting for detention, determined to get answers. As the last bell rang, I almost ran down the hall and wrenched the door to Mr. Smith's classroom open. I had forgot that he still had class. Everyone looked at me, including Mr. Smith. He excused his class. I waited by his desk until everyone cleared out.

"Take a seat wherever you like." I nodded and sat down in the seat with the comfiest chair. After 10 minutes of paperwork, he came over, sat on the desk in front of me, and said, "So, you know why your here, right? You cut me off in the middle of class, and dis-"

"Okay Mr. Smith, cut the crap." He looked surprised. "We both know your hiding something. I KNOW you know that this day has been repeating for over a week now. You either messed up, or you MEANT to do that. To find the odd one out. Me. I don't know if your behind this or-" He laughed.

"You think I did this? The very fabric of time is ripping apart because of this, and you think I CAUSED THIS!?" I was shocked by his sudden raised voice. For as long as he'd been here he had never raised his voice at anybody. "You know what I think? YOU did this."

"Me!? I'm a 14 year-old girl! I have a family, friends, I wouldn't put the world on replay-"

"It's not on replay. Someone is creating world recapitulation. That takes A LOT of power.

"And world recapitulation is...?"

"It's as if the world was on...repeat." I smirked at him and he scowled.

"Anyway, how come it seems we are the only humans who can see the 'world recapitulation'?" I added the air quotes to piss him off. He shifted uncomfortably. "What? Your not human?" I laughed. He didn't. "Whoa, wait, your an alien!?"

"Guilty as charged." He said.

"Do you have a spaceship? Do you have a second skin? Do you look like a lizard under your human skin? Do you eat people? Do you-"

"Yes, No, No, and hell no."

I grinned sheepishly, then gasped. "You have a spaceship!? Oh my god! Let me see! I wanna see!"

He sighed and stood up. I hopped up out of my seat and started to jump up and down. He grabbed his briefcase and put a hand on my head, stopping me.

"Sorry, I've never seen a spaceship before."

"Really!? I would have never guessed." His words dripped with sarcasm.


Wow, I haven't updated in a while. I was waiting for more reads but I realized I wasn't getting views because I wasn't writing haha. I can't go by votes because I only have 2 and one of them is from me ^.^ Yah, that's how clumsy I am :) So.....This story kinda stinks, BUT- I'm trying to make it better :) I have a sort of twist but you might have guessed it. I don't think I have fans so I don't know who im talking to haha. If I have an unspoken fan out there, you rock my socks even though I'm not wearing any :)

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