Our Coloring Book

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"Taetae!!!" Little Hyoyeon was crying because she peed on her baby pants while playing with the other kids especially to SooYoung.

"Don't cry, we will change you another pair of pants so don't cry." TaeYeon smiling while carrying little Hyoyeon to change her pants into the other room while the other kids playing around their class.

"Ms. Hwang?" TaeYeon called her colleague who was arranging some coloring books for the next class.

"Oh, what happen TaeYeon?" Tiffany answer in a worried tone when she saw little Hyoyeon on TaeYeon's arms crying hard like it's the end of the world.

"She peed on her pants so I need to change her with another pair but can I ask you to look for the others while I'm into the other room?" TaeYeon requested with pleading eyes that makes Tiffany fell in love with how adorable her colleague looks.

"Of course, no worries. I will be having the coloring class to on time." Tiffany showing her signature smile makes TaeYeon melts too but she shrugged it for now because she needs to do something else.

"Thanks a lot. I owe you a lunch later." TaeYeon said before she went into the other room carrying little Hyoyeon with her.

*I'm looking forward for our lunch date later then* Tiffany has a habit of talking with herself when it comes to thinking about TaeYeon and her pure kindness.

"Look, I guess Hyoyeon's peeing make our teachers get closer." Little SooYoung who was peaking behind the doors with little annoyed Jessica.

"But that's really gross because she peed beside me while I'm eating my sandwich." Little Jessica who got annoyed by the terrible incident with little Hyoyeon awhile ago.

"It's part of the plan." Little SooYoung whispers to her friend.

"But we're not planning anything?" Little Jessica was obviously confused because she thought that the original plan was to make little Hyoyeon fakes her cry so she will get the attention of their teachers but it seems little SooYoung misunderstood again and tickled her hard until she peed into her pants that cause a huge chaos.

"I tickle her so that means I'm the one who made our teachers got closer." Little SooYoung proudly said.

"But that's really bad, SooYoung unnie." Little Seohyun appears from behind with her milk bottle that she's been drinking for awhile.

"No, look at teacher Hwang's expression when she talked with Taetae, she's blushing hard and I think she's falling in love." Little SooYoung pointed towards their beautiful teacher.

"Hi, kids we will be having a coloring book today for our class." Tiffany announce carrying the books with her to use by the kids on her class.

"YEY!!!!!" Little Yuri cheerfully scream.

"Seems like someone's getting excited here so we will start coloring, okay?" Tiffany said while smiling and gave them each books and colors to share with their classmates.

"I don't want to share with you." Little Jessica rejected little Yuri to share her set of colors.

"Why???" Little Yuri asked yet she already grab the blue ones and started to color her book making little Jessica cry in anger.

"Oh, are you hurt Jessi?" Tiffany approach the crying little girl and helps her to color her book.

"I don't want to share my colors with her." Little Jessica whine while pointing towards the unbothered little Yuri who keeps coloring her book while munching little Hyoyeon's snack.

"Hey, did you steal Hyoyeon's snack again?" Little Sunny commented while watching her classmates stole something again.

"But SooYoung did it first yesterday!!" Little Yuri fires back and kept on munching the stole snack from little Hyoyeon's cute backpack.

"I'm freaking innocent here blackhead." Little SooYoung retorted since she's working in silence right now and not bothering anyone.

"WAH!! SHE'S CALLING ME BLACKHEAD AGAIN!! WAH!!" Little Yuri got annoyed because she's always bullied by the taller kid again.

*Why does they've been so grumpy today?* Teacher Tiffany wonders after she calm little Jessica then little Yuri started crying showing her toothless front.

"What's happening here?" Teacher TaeYeon got back after changing little Hyoyeon's pants and saw the kids were busy coloring their books gave by teacher Tiffany.

"They've been so very grumpy today." Tiffany got worried maybe they've been stress of their coloring sessions.

"But you handle them well, Tiffany." TaeYeon accidentally called her colleague by her first name and now she blushes hard.

"Thanks, TaeYeon." Tiffany said and she reflects with TaeYeon's reaction.

"Teacher Taetae." Little Seohyun walks into them carrying her coloring books and sat in between her two flustered teachers.

"Here." Little Seohyun was asking them to help her with the coloring because she wanted to be pamper with affection by both TaeYeon and Tiffany.

"Come here." Tiffany spread her both arms so the little cute girl sat in between her thighs while TaeYeon was seating beside them and helping little Seohyun's hand to pick and color her little book.

"Here you go." TaeYeon happily said when they both finish coloring the butterfly wings with the purple color.

"Teacher Taetae?Can you help Ms. Hwang to color this one because I want to pee." Little Seohyun said while she hurriedly stood up and run through the toilet.

"I think she's the independent one here." Tiffany said but didn't noticed her hand on top of TaeYeon's because they've been helping the little girl awhile ago.

"Y-Yeah, I think so too." TaeYeon gasp when her hand was holding by her pretty colleague.

"Let's go lunch later." Tiffany said showing her eyesmile that makes TaeYeon lose her mind again.

*I think Seohyun's strategy was working on them, good job baby girl!!!* Little Sunny thought while watching their two teachers lovely interaction.

"What are you doing?" Little Hyoyeon appears with a snot from her nose.

"I'm coloring my book." Little Sunny answered but her eyes were still watching their teachers flirting.

"Can I take them?" Little Hyoyeon hold Sunny's hand with a snot on her hand.

"WAH!!! WHAT'S THAT??? IT'S GROSS!!!" Little Sunny started to cry loudly disturbing the other kids making their teachers walks on them and trying to calm them down.

"You're right, they're been grumpy today." TaeYeon sighed.

*But it helps me to have a lunch date with you later.* Tiffany thought and laugh to herself didn't noticed little SooYoung making an gross expression.

"Why teacher Tiffany laugh by herself?? Maybe, she's the one who stole Hyoyeon's second snack??" SooYoung stare suspiciously at her pretty teacher.



To be continued.

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