-Chapter 11-

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The morning light barely escapes past my blinds. Golden rays of sunshine cascade against the flooring, brightening the room more and more every second. In all honesty- I'm scared to death. Ever since I was a kid, I've dreamed of a chance to be with Wendy. To hangout with her and for her to see me. Me as the man I've become, and not just a little boy.

Now that I have that chance it feels like everything is going wrong. There is a mad man living in our basement, one that has attempted multiple times to destroy everything I've ever loved, and has been living there for years. While the man I've idolized for all of my teenage years has been keeping that secret from me- from all of us. As much as I want to be what Ford has created, as much as I want to be Ford, I'm always torn between being able to finally live a normal life.. and having to be a monster hunter. What am I supposed to do?

A light knock at my door startles me. Breaking me free of my thoughts. "Dip Dip! It's almost one! You need to eat and get ready for your date~" Mable sings through the door. I begrudgingly pull myself out of bed, stretching away the fatigue in my muscles. I attempt to fix the messy brown hair atop my head and eventually give up. It's a battle for a later time.

I swing the door open to be greeted by Mable. She looks up at me and smiles. Mable is so grown now. Her braces came off years ago, but I still find myself expecting them to be there. She'd never grown out of her sweater phase though, a trait of hers that I'm grateful has stayed. It always reminds me of the dumb sweaters from our childhood. I place a hand on her head and lightly ruffle her hair, a grin of pure admiration for the human that grew up with me plastered on my face, she groans in protest. "Thanks Mable. What's for lunch?" She scoffs but smiles at me and starts to describe our lunch. I half heartedly listen. I'm more focused on the next hours to come, the bubble of nerves brewing deep within me, and traveling down the stairs without falling.


I rack the comb through my hair, it gets caught on every little strand- lightly pulling against my scalp. Setting the comb aside I stare at the reflection in front of me. The clothes are a good fit. They cling to my body, but not so much to show every single detail. The person staring back at me is different. 5 years ago I would have never had the courage I do now- then again the old me hasn't been through the life I've lived. I smile at all the memories I've made here. All the times I've nearly died and prevailed, as well as the times I've had to save someone else. All the moments I've spent in front of this exact same mirror and fought for the courage, that I now have, and was never able to muster up. What will Wendy think of who I've become?

Glancing at the clock, it reads 4:23. "I should go pick her up, it's never a bad thing to be early is it?".

Grabbing my things, I pocket them and head for the door, doing one last check over myself in the mirror and nodding in content. I descend down the stairs, my heartbeat starting to swim loudly in my ears. It's numbingly loud. "Woah there!" A booming voice calls from the kitchen. "Where are you heading off to?" I can hear the glint of amusement in Gruncle Stans voice. "Dipper has a date!" Mable blurts. I roll my eyes, cats out of the bag I suppose. "A date?" He raises his eyebrows "With who?" I feel my face flush, my hands starting to fidget. Clearing my throat I finally say, "Uh, with Wendy! I actually need to go pick her up! Bye!" And I practically run out of the room. Stans laughter can be heard for miles behind me.

The walk to Wendy's dads is short, there is a very well traveled trail from the Mystery Shack all the way there. It was made from the years that Wendy worked for my great uncle. Admittedly, it is beginning to become slightly over grown now. Wendy left to travel the world years ago, and only on slight occasions did Dipper or Mable have to travel to her dads cabin. It's a bittersweet reminder that he has a lot to catch up with her on. The earth is hard in some places and soft in others, squishing beneath my feet. It's cold tonight- the air nips at you and leaves you close to searching for warmth. I should have brought a jacket.

Where you going, Pinetree? Not now.

Get out of my head Bill. I don't need you ruining everything for me. I could hear his whines of protest, but he did in fact leave me alone. The sound of a males voice pulled me back into reality. There were two figures standing at the edge of the tree line, only a few feet in front of me. "I know what I'm doing. Get off my back already." Wendy. With that I chose to dodge behind the nearest tree- avoiding making too much noise as to not alert them that I was listening.

"I understand that, Wendy. But this mission is important. We've avoided coming back to Gravity Falls due to the intense relationships you have established here. We cannot allow you to mess this up. We know he's here. Get as much information as you can and leave. We don't need anything hindering our project." Project? Mission? What the hell is going on here. The sound of a tree branch snapping causes my heart to sink. Jerking my head behind me I see a man in a black uniform. "I'm sorry, but you weren't supposed to hear that."

He grabs me by the arm, firm and tightly and yanks me from my hiding spot. He drags me behind him, occasionally yelling back at me to stop struggling. My heart is pounding now. The voice inside my head is screaming, hoping, pleading for a way out but my legs won't move. I stare doe eyed towards Wendy, like I've been caught in the headlights of a car. Except Wendy is the car, and I'm being thrown into it. Her face flashes surprise and then is quickly masked by concern. She reached a hand gingerly into her bag, pulling out a small syringe. "Hey Dip.." she frowns slightly "You really weren't meant to find things out this way."

I can feel the needle being plunged into my skin. It starts with a small pinch, the pain being bearable enough, then quickly turns to fire. It's burns through my veins, a cold icy burn that leaves me breathless and afraid. The fire is doused with fatigue, one that takes over my body just as quickly as it had burned me. As I watch the world fade in-front of me I can only hope that my family finds me alive.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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