Chapter One

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"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

- Kahlil Gibran


      Was there ever a moment in your life that you wish you could change, even if it is just one tiny difference? Well I do, and there is no way I can ever go back and fix it.

      My name you ask? I am Himari Aikyo. My quirk? String weaver, the same as my mom's. I can see the red strings of fate, and change them as I please. Everyone's red string was connected to their pinky finger, stretched all the way to their mates pinky.

      Well you know most little kids, right? They end up cutting their hair eventually. Well, I did something unbelievable, even to myself now. I cut my string, leaving only a tiny bit. Mom was shocked as she watched the string disappear, the remainder fading to black.

      I look at my mistake of many years ago, just hanging there as a reminder of a child's error in judgement. As I look at my string, I realize just how alone I really am. Without the rest of my string, I am in a constant state of cold, even if it is blistering hot like today. I can only hope that my mate isn't in the same state as I am.

      I slide my hands into my coat pockets to try and keep them warm, as I walk to the market for some type of food or drink to warm me. 

      As I walk past a street vendor, the smell of processed meat sitting in the heat assailed my nostrils. I wrinkle my nose as I walk into the market, my face feeling the sudden difference in temperature. A nice looking woman, presumably the cashier, waves at me from her post and I wave back. I go towards the back of the store, towards the wall of drink coolers. I go to the snack aisle. Well, I try to anyway. When I do, I hit something that doesn't move, making me fall onto my backside. I look up to see a man wearing a hat and a very big sweater, despite the heat. 

      He looks at me, then offers a hand to help me up. "Are you alright, kid?"

      "Yeah, I'm sorry. I tend to get excited when I'm looking for food."  Something was strange about him.

      "Well that isn't a problem at all. I, personally, don't mind pretty girls tripping over me," he says with a smile.

      I smile back, but all I see is myself, reflected from his sunglasses. I take a mental note of his bag and the gloves on his hands. When I look at his hand, noticing something. His string is just hanging there. 

      I think to myself His mate must have passed. Such a shame too, he is very young. Maybe only my age.

      He looks at his hand, confused as to why I am just staring. "Uh, kid? Is there something wrong?"

      This shakes me out of my thought. "Oh, uh no. I suppose not. I'm very sorry to trouble you." I walk on about my business.

      As I get to the section I am looking for, I reach to take the last meat bun... but it is taken before I grab it. I look over to see the covered man, and I grow angry. I try to take it from him, but he reaches his arm up above my head. Why am I so short?!?

      "Oh no you don't. This one is mine, I had a rough day today and I deserve something."

      When I jump to grab it, I accidentally grab his sleeve. For a moment our skin touches and my hand feels... warm. Heating quirk? I'm not sure, but either way he looks confused and drops his guard, giving me a chance to take the bun. I run to the cashier and pay, looking back at him. He looks confused and defeated. I stick my tongue out at him and walk out, eating my well deserved snack.

Ok guys I know this is short, but as I said it is based off of a oneshot, the oneshot is called 'Soul Mates' and can be found in 'Hawks X Fem reader Oneshots' by Marieisabel2. Go read their work first before continuing, and make sure to give them a follow!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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