Octonauts plays among us

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Kwazii: captain barnacles and Inkling was found dead! Which one of ye did it!
Dashi: i was with Shellington in admin.
Shellington: its true.
Kwazii: peso?
Peso: i was in the electricals doing my task..
Kwazii: tweak?
Tweak: i was also doing my task.
Shellington: so which mean peso and tweak don't have an alibi?
Dashi: should we vote or not?
Peso: umm. Can i say something?
Kwazii: of course peso.
Peso: i saw tweak vent in the corridors.
Peso *looks confused*: but i saw you vent and only imposters could vent...
Kwazii:* slams hands down*: we're be voting you out tweak!
Tweak: I DIDNT DO IT!!
Shellington, dashi, kwazii and peso voted for tweak.
Tweak was ejected
Kwazii: okay now that imposter is gone lets us get back to work!
* Peso grabbed kwazii*
*kwazii turned to look at peso*
Peso: umm Kwazii can i go with you?
*kwazii smiles*: of course me matey! Together as a team!
* Kwazii turn away from peso who is smiling darkly*

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