| - Moon 7 - January 17 - |

86 6 93


[ > Group Stats < ]

Season: Leaf-bare (1/3)
Weather: Hard frozen snow.
Event: Kits, Aging, Rebirth, and Death.


The Tribe of Sunlit Paradise

Fresh-kill pile: 59
Sticks: 49
Herbs: 48
Border Strength: 16/20


The Outsiders

Fresh-kill pile: 10
Sticks: 9


Cats: 14

Peacock: 1
Great Mother: 0
Parrot: 1
Dove(s): 9
Hen(s): 1
Chicks: 2
Fledgling(s): 2

Outsider(s): 2


[ - NEWS - ]

Hello furry friends! Welcome to The Tribe of Sunlit Paradise!

| - Cutscene 1 - |

Embermoon stared at the grave of Blazingsnake, unsure how to feel. //I could've been him, he could've been me...// "Are you sure about that, little one? It's not like you'd ever stoop so low as to attack an innocent she-cat." A deep, intimidating voice spoke. As if reading Embermoon's thoughts.

"W-who are you?!" Embermoon's fur stood on end as he looked around. Behind him was a tall, jet black cat, with warm amber eyes, who looked like they'd been under ground their entire life. "I am Thanatos, little one. I just thought I'd pay you mortals a visit, it's been a while since I've seen how you all prospered." He purred, but it wasn't clear whether he was being sarcastic or joking.

"W-well... uh..." Embermoon wasn't sure what to say, but Thanatos turned around before another word could be spoken. "She is here... it seems I have to leave, little one. I hope to see you someday soon."

With that, Thanatos disappeared without a trace.

| - Cutscene 1 end - |

Embermoon buried Blazingsnake, which summoned Thanatos! His spirit will now be guided to the after life!

| - Cutscene 2 - |

Bubblebreeze stared at the her kits with sadness and slight anger. "Why do you have to exist..." She huffed. "Well that's not the way to appreciate gifts." A soothing sweet voice spoke, and Bubblebreeze gasped as she saw the gorgeous white she-cat staring down at her.

"Don't be afraid young starfire, It is just I, Hebe." The she-cat chuckled, flicking her tail towards the kits snuggling up to their mother. "You should appreciate these kits, Bubblebreeze, I made them just for you." Bubblebreeze frowned at the little bundles of fur, looking back up the goddess with anger. "I didn't want these kits! Blazingsnake had no right to do what he did!"

"Shush starfire, if you don't want to care for them, they will die. Then you will have truly disgraced me, and you will be punished. Oh, but don't worry starfire, I will protect you, as long as you protect the others who truly need you..." Hebe's voice began to drift, as she turned towards the nursery entrance. "He has left, so it seems, then I must leave too. I don't want him to cause trouble... farewell Bubblebreeze."

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