chapter 2 baby bump?

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a few weeks later

Sophie and Sky were out on a walk with Donny showing him around the island. "hey we better head back babe" said Sky looking anxiously up at the sky, it was growing dark and many clouds looked ready to produce a storm. "yeah" agreed Sophie as she scooped up Donny and tickled him playfully in her arms. He was growing so fast, he had developed gorgeous shamrock green eyes. Although by the time they were at the docs Sophie looked awfully pale. "oh gosh, soph you look awful, here let me take Donny for you" Sky said anxiously taking Donny from her. "yeah um can you take care of him for a bit please, I um I think I might just um-" said Sophie sounding really off. "of course of course, call me if you need me" replied Sky as they entered the hotel, they had no bookings until tomorrow for the yearly hotel Bella donna party.

Sophie walked slowly up to her room, she felt as though her legs were crumbling, where on earth had this come from? As it got late she put her pyjamas on and she noticed her stomach was kind of looking funny but she didnt know what she meant by funny just then she raced to the bathroom and threw up. "oh wow" said Sophie "does that mean what I think it does again?!" She went to find Sky, she found him ruby and Fernando playing chase with Donny in the hotel lobby, making the most of it while it was empty. Sky looked up and saw a still kind of pale Sophie enter, "hey baby! how are you feeling?" he asked, before she could reply Donny raced over to her and hugged her tightly "mommy!" he cried, "where have you been". "just chilling for a while darling, what are you up to then my lil soldier?" she said. "we're playing chase and great grandpa cant catch me ha ha ha!" he said jumping around. Sophie chuckled, "hey Sky can I talk to you somewhere..." asked Sophie. Sky nodded and followed her out of the room leaving Fernando trying to catch Donny.

"whats up baby?" Sky asked concerned as they reached Sophie's balcony. "I think I might be pregnant again, but it doesn't feel right, I think somethings wrong with the possible baby..." she said wearily, she looked exhausted by seemed also happy at the thought of a baby yet concerned for its health. "what do you mean something could be wrong?" Sky said even more anxious about Sophie's and this living being inside of her's welfare. " I dont know. I just feel really strange, It just doesn't feel normal and my belly is swelling like crazy and my lower back is absolutely killing me" Sophie said uneasily. "its okay, I will get you checked out tomorrow" replied Sky. And as if reading her mind "and dont worry about the party, their your grans specialty she can fill in if you need her too" he added. Sophie smiled reassured and hugged Sky tightly "I love you" she whispered to him, "I love you more" he said gently stroking her golden hair.

the next day 9am

"rise and shine beautiful" said Sky gently shaking Sophie "ruby's organising the whole party so you dont have to worry about anything, just relax okay". She groaned, she was still kind of pale, suddenly she jumped up and raced to the bathroom for a dose of morning sickness. She slowly got ready groaning as her lower back continued to cause great pain. She was very off as they drove one of the hotel vans round to the other side of the island where there was a small hospital for the residents if they cant make it to the main land. Sophie bit her lip as they neared the hospital, Sky sensed her unease and squeezed her hand as he parked.

"Hello I'm Doctor Sprigs, how may I help you?" said a friendly lady as they entered consultation room 3. "hi im Sky and this is Sophie Sheridan Rymand my wife." Doctor Sprigs shook their hands. "so who is my patient today?" she asked. "me" replied Sophie nervously. She explained that she is pregnant but isn't 100% sure and explained about her lower back pain, her swelling stomach and her motherly feeling that something Is wrong. "hmm I see.." began the doctor thoughtfully, "well lets do a scan to see if you actually are pregnant first and we can go from there." Sophie and Sky nodded. Doctor Sprigs did the ultra sound "well theres definitely a very little fella beginning to grow in there, I dont know what your extra symptoms are but please make sure to keep a close eye on them, but for now you are simply pregnant, congratulations, please come back in 12 weeks for your regular 12 week pregnancy scan" confirmed the doctor. Sophie and Sky thanked her and left feeling a bit better about the situation, they were having another baby at least, or so they thought...

12 weeks later

Sophie and Sky prepared to leave for the 12 week scan. Even though Sophie's side symptoms were still causing her great grief she was very exited to see how her new baby was growing. "ah Mr and Mrs Rymand, its great to see you, I hope your baby is healthy and well!" said Doctor Sprigs greeting them cheerfully. They grinned full of hope for their baby. Doctor Sprigs applied the ultra sound gel and looked for the healthy baby, but she couldn't see a baby anywhere... "Sophie have you had any period?" she asked. "no I'm not due until the end the month, plus I'm pregnant so I'm not expecting it, why..?" replied Sophie nervously. "and how have your side symptoms been developing?" the doc asked again. "really bad actually" answered Sophie. "um Mr and Mrs Rymand please accept my greatest apologies for your loss. I'm afraid you have had a miscarriage Sophie which explains your extra symptoms." said Doctor Sprigs sadly. "oh my god" said Sky, Sophie burst into tears instantly. Sky wrapped his arms around her, "I'm so sorry miss" said the doctor, "thank you doctor" replied Sky. "lets go baby" he said to Sophie. She sniffed and nodded her thanks to the doctor and they left.

thanks to whoever reads this. follow me for an update on how the now very sad couple tell everyone the devastating news, I hope you liked it, look out for chapter 3 x

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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