All games and fun!

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"Okay, everyone! The first we prepared for these two lovebirds is the balloon game! Both of you will have one balloon between you, and only by hugging, you shall do your best to pop it!" The audience applauded and sheer. I pull up my sleeves and prepared myself, while Cynthia seemed to blush at the thought of the game .I snicker and make my way over to her, I grab her shoulder and turned her towards me and face her directly. 

"Don't worry, we got this." She nodded and the man holding the event handed me the balloon and I placed it on my stomach and pushed Cynthia towards me. Even though it seemed like i kept my cool, I was dead right nervous and wanted to explode. It didn't help that Cynthia's own balloons covered the actual balloon and were open right there for me to witness, I have to avoid looking down. 

"Okay... GAME START!" Cynthia put her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly, i answered the same. The crows went crazy and we did our best. It was hard to focus on the game with all of this going on. My mind was on the verge of going blank but I did my best. I tried my best to keep my eyes closed, but one quick glimpse down made me act up. 

"A-ash are you okay?! Push we have to finish this!" She pushed me towards her even harder and her breasts were pressed up against my chest. I just opened my eyes and looked her straight in the eyes instead, that should work! Her eyes met mine and both of us blushed. Suddenly the balloon popped and both of us hugging each other with force slammed into each other, seeing how we both had eye contact, it ended up with our lips gently touching, but in panic separating quickly. In embarrassment, both of us looked away from each other.

"Ha ha ... we win!"

"WHAT AN INTRESSTING CONCULSION FOLK! ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR TONIGHT!!!" The crowd stood up and whistled to us. I glance over at Cynthia and her face was on the verge of burning up in embarrassment. I have to fix this.

"Thanks you all folks, but we have duties to attend further ahead, but we're happy to entertain you all!" The crowd in choir screamed thanks and I grabbed Cynthia's hand and dragged her off the stage. 

We ran outside and the dark starry night filled our view. We ran further away to the parking lot and I let go of her hand to catch my breath. After a few seconds of just heavy breathing she started laughing uncontrollably. 

"What's so funny?"

"I never thought that my first kiss would be with a younger boy, and the champion of Kalos at that." I blushed at the statement and laughed nervously.

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't say the same to you ..."

"It's okay, a casanova like you probably have tons of girls."

"What do you mean, I've only had one before but she ... Let's not dig into that." Cynthia looked at me courious, I could tell she wanted to hear more. She walked up to me and patted me back.

"Okay Ash, If u tell me what happened betweeny ou two, I'll tell you about what happened at the phonecall and my own situation." It was intruging, and I nodded. We walked towards a nearby bench and sat down. We both looked up to the stars and took in the amzing view. 

"Her name was Serena, I met her during my kalos travels and we had something, but our goals were different and it ended up in us separating. We never were together, but the romance was always there, if I just had noticed earlier and if I only had the courage to ask earlier, maybe things would've looked different. I've spoken to her and she has found someone else now and moved on. It was a while ago anyway so ... It still hurts you know. But I'd like to think I've moved on." Cynthia lowered her eyes and grabbed my hand. I look down and smile and glance at her face.

"I'm sorry to ehar that Ash, I guess it wasn't meant to be? I don't know what to say."

"It's okay. besides, having you here has made me forget her the past days. Thank you Cynthia." After saying those words Cynthia blushed up like no other. She giggled nervously and smiled.

"It's my turn now I guess? Well you see, I'm soon to become 27, and my parents think it's ready for me to get married. They have arrenged a partner for me because it's their old friend and his son but ... I have no attraction to hin. He is arrogant, ugly, his personality stinks as a whole and he suck at battles. That's why I'm here, I'm just trying to escape from it. I've always belived in destiny, and that my faithfull partner will come. That's why I havent dated anyone during all my years. And I can assure you, he isn't the one."

"I see ... I'm sorry to hear that. But what are you going to do about it? Can you just defy your parents?"

"I can't... Unless I find a worthy partner of my own."

"Well I suit that role just fine Cynthia don't you think haha!" I laughed out loud until I could feel her hand clenching my own harder. I stop laughing and turn towards her. She leans in towards me quickly and kisses me. She let go and our eyes met. Is this a dream? It didn't taake long before our lips locked once again, and our toungues said hi too. Our romance bloomed under the starry sky, and more was to come.


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