¡ chapter 1 !

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"Robin I swear to Merlin if you don't hurry up." I say to Robin. "It's just breakfast geez, you just wanna see Cedric!"

I smile and look down. Cedric and I have been dating since last month and things are going really good.

The only thing that's bothering me is that actually every girl has a thing for him.

"Ready." Says Robin and we walk to the Great Hall. I look around for Cedric but I can't find him.

2 hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" A familiar voice says. "Stop being cheesy Cedric." I say laughing. I turn around and give him a quick kiss.

"Missed me?" He says and he kisses me too. I was about to answer but then I hear a gagging sound next to me. Robin looks at me and gags again. "Shut up." I say smiling and we walk to our table.

Cedric says to meet me after breakfast in the hall and he walks to his table too. I sit next to George. "Morning." I say to him.

"Morning." He says back. He looks at Robin. "Geez Robin, are you okay you look sick." He says. Robin nods. "I'm fine, just haven't slept well that's all."

"You do look really pale Robin. You sure?" I say. "I'm fine, cheesiness just makes me sick." She says mocking me. I give her a soft slap on the back off her head.

We walk to the hall and I see Cedric standing there waiting for me. I say to Robin that I'll see her in class and I walk over to him.

"So, what's up?" I ask him. He smiles and pulls me behind a wall. He kisses me aggressively and runs his hands through my hair. "How about we skip school today." He says between the kisses.

"I can't I have Defence Against the Dark Arts." I say. "So?" "I just really have to be there today."

"How about we skip second period?" I ask him. He nods. I kiss him and I grab my bag. "Bye!" I say and I run to my class.

I run in class and I go sit next to Hermione. "Hi!" I say and I look at her. She laughs. "What, what is it?" "Your lipstick is all smooshed out over your cheek." She says and she removes it with her thumb.

I chuckle. "Thanks. Damn. I walked through the school with it like that." She laughs.

Professor Lupin walks the classroom in and explains the assignment. It's about how to recognise werewolves.

Hermione is writing her ass off but I can't concentrate. Too curious why Cedric wanted too skip the day. We always skip a period but not a whole day.

"Do you agree ms. Jones." Professor Lupin says. I look up. "What was the question professor?" I ask. "If there should be potions against werewolf bites?" I nod.

He talks further until the end off the lesson. He reminds us of the due of the assignment and then we are dismissed.

Second period
Cedric is waiting for me next to my locker. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask him. "Let's go to my dorm." He says with a smile.

We walk to his dorm and I sit down on his bed. "Are we gonna watch Netflix or something?" I ask him. "Sure, why not." He says and he grabs his laptop.

I lie down and watch the movie he put on. I feel him staring at me and I look over to him with a smile. "What?" I say with a smile.

He pulls me on him and kisses me gently. He slowly goes down to my neck and goes under my shirt with his hands.

He takes my shirt off and I get a little bit uncomfortable but I try not to show it. I kiss him on his neck and take off his shirt too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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