Chapter 4

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The tension in the room was so thick, it could literally be sliced with a knife. Mr. King's brooding eyes stared back at me as I rolled slightly on the balls of my heels. The anxiety of what to expect started to kick in as the silence emanated more and more.

"Be quiet, Ms Hart!" He spoke with a calm yet deadly tone, "I'm this close to losing my patience with you.'

Now here am I baffled at the situation at hand, like what the actual hell did I do wrong!

"Here at King's Estate, we do not flirt and fraternize with other employees!"

My eyes bulged out of their sockets as my voice stuttered at his words, "flirt... fraternize! Mr King, I was doing nothing of that sort."

"I know what I saw Ms Hart!" He shouted as he pushed back his chair suddenly, palms pressed forcedly at the glass table.

"You have it all wrong, Mr. King. Justin..."

"God damn, you're already on first name basis." He sulked in an arrogant attitude.

"As I was saying, Justin was assisting me with the files you requested as there was a minor incident upon retrieving them. I was not flirting or fraternizing with anyone. As a matter of fact, who I am friends with is not any of your concern."

"You are my personal assistant. Who you converse with affects your performance at work which in turn affects me. So don't think for a second, that I give a shit about who you speak to. You're not important to me, don't get it twisted. Remember, I want those files by the end of the day. Now get out of my office and get back to work. I'm not paying you to have fun with your little 'friend'." 

This man is fucking bipolar, I'm convinced. He doesn't have to be such an ass about it. He doesn't even make sense.

"Yes Sir," I said, choosing to shut my mouth for once in my life, seeing as it would be completely pointless to even try.

It's been a couple of hours since the incident with Mr. King and I've been glued to my desk ever since. I even cancelled lunch with Christy and Chloe today and ate in my office. Speaking of Mr. King, I haven't seen him since earlier either. 

"Anddd done," I groaned as I hit enter for the very last file.

My eyes burned from staring too long at the screen and my neck and back ached tremendously. These files were a literal nightmare.
With a huge yawn and the biggest stretch known to man, my eyes glanced at the clock ticking on the wall. No wonder the office was so quiet. Work finished a while now as the time read 11 pm. With a lazy gait, I collected my belongings and headed toward the elevator. On my way out, the light from Mr. King's room emanated beneath his door.

"He's still here?" I whispered to myself in disbelief.

"Should I..." I contemplated upon checking on him or going about my way. 

Knocking gently on the door, "come in" his deep voice resounded.

"Sir, all the files have been completed. I'm heading off now. Have a good night!" 

Raising his head, I was able to view his disheveled appearance. His tie no longer hung around his neck, his shirt crinkled against his skin, his hair poked in all directions as they have been run through many times with his fingers. His eyes looked absolutely dull and tired.  

"Sir, it's late. Don't you think it's time you head home. You look absolutely exhausted." I said with concern laced in my voice.

"I'm a grown man, Ms. Hart. I know when it's time. You can leave," 

With a disappointed frown, I left his office without a word. Does he have to be so hurtful and arrogant with everything.

The cracking of thunder and pounding of rain against the glass windows in the reception area broke my train of thought. 

"God damn, I don't have an umbrella. Thank god, the garage is underground."

Before I knew it, I was heading towards my car to head home and take a long, relaxing bathe.
Scrchhh Scrchhhh ......
Those were the noises as I hopelessly attempted to start my car.
"Ughhhhh!" I screamed in utmost frustration as I slammed my palms against the steering wheel.
Grabbing my purse, I slammed my car door and headed back up in the elevator to the main entrance of the building.
As the elevator dinged open, there wasn't a person in sight. The clicking of my heels were the only sound that echoed throughout the building. The security wasn't even present and to be honest the area creeped me out.
The darkness of the night combined with the thunder and rain added to the disturbing pictures running through my mind.
Catching sight of the bus shed a little way outside of the building, I decided to take my chances and rush to it.
With my bag being my only source of protection against the rain, it was of little to no help. The water banged against my clothes and skin with great force as I wobbled to the shed, hoping not to slip and fall, on the way. Finally reaching the shed, I was soaked from head to toe completely. My clothes stuck like a glove to my skin, cold and wet. Goosebumps raised as a chill trickled down my spine. My teeth clattered slightly as my hair stuck against my face.
My head moved side to side, hoping to see the flashing lights of a taxi.
Rubbing my palms against my arms, the water dripped off my clothes as the rain grew worse and worse, making me regret my decision of coming out here.

However, the blinding lights of a sleek black Maserati caught my attention. My heart palpitated as the car eerily slowed to my position. The glass rolled down slowly and Mr. King's face came into view. 

Not even looking my direction, he spoke two words, "Get in!"

"I'm fine Mr. King. I'll just get a taxi. I'm soaked and I don't want to ruin your car. I'll be fine."

"Ms. Hart," he said as he turned to finally face me, "it's 11pm at night, there's no way you are getting a taxi anytime soon. No employee of mine will be stranded at my company. I will not be held accountable."

"Technically, I'm not in the company's building, I'm...." one look from Mr. King had me shutting up. 
"Get in the car, Ms Hart! That's an order!" he demanded as those ocean blue eyes stared intimidatingly back at me. 
Reluctantly, I slowed opened the car and entered his vehicle.
Ohhh boy, this is gonna be one hell of a ride. Here we go,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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