#2 Nate Adams/Katie Forester

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#2 Nate Adams/Katie Forester

Series: Yo-kai Watch

Bio: A kid who fine the myestirous watch that allowed him to see Yo-kai

Weight: Medium

Crawl?: Yes

Speed: Normal

Jumps: 2


Neutral Attack: a 3 jab with Nate Hammer

Dash Attack: Will pull out Natsume Saginta to attack the player running

Smash Up: Use a slash attack upward with Touma Sword

Smash Forward: Will use Katie fans which have a chance of blowing the player a tiny bit

Smash Down: Is the Yo-kai Cleaner that will go around the Player and attack who ever in front or behind

Up tilt: Will use Akinori Mace to get foe above them

Side tilt: Will use Shin Baseball bat to charge and hit foes

Downtilt: Will scan with his Yo-kai watch both sides

Neutral Air: Use the Yo-kai Medallium trying to float

Forward Air: Have him with a shopping cart like the store segment in 3

Back Air: Is using a real paper fan back

Up Air : Will use Fu2 Tornado to get bit more air by point it to the ground

Down Air: Will use the Net that does have chance grabbing foes

Grab: Will just use the fishing rod to grab the player

Pummel: Use a toy version of the hammer

Forward Throw: Will shot with the yo-kai watch like YW3

Back Throw: Use the love blaster to shot back

Up Throw: Use Robonyan arms to shot them up

Down Throw: Use the moxie stick to hit opponent to be buried

Special Moves and Gimmick

Neutral Special: Summoning Time, you get a Menu similar to Shulk but with 8 Menus (Charming being the default) as it summon a random NPC to attack for you but will also effect the other special and you can only have 3 NPC at time like the game and yes all of them can be knocked out like assist trophy

Brave- Blazion have chance of catching the fighter on fire

Mysterious- Tattletell is very light on damage but can break shields easy

Tough- Noway is a reverse Manjimutt with dealing more damage on female than males

Charming- Komasan is the weakest of them but will still try to get opponent multiple times but easy to knock out

Heartful- Happierre will go around healing anyone in random direction

Shady- Usapyon will appear but only does more damage more the player attack it as it agro increase

Eerie- Manjimutt chase after female fighter rather than male fighters but does more damage on male fighter

Slippery- Whisper will spit out green smog poison both the player and opponent

Up Special: Use Spewart helicopter

Side Special: Dream Blast! They use the Yo-kai Blaster and use who ever was the last summon

Brave- Very slow blast but take huge damage

Mysterious- Summon blades pretty face and do normal damage

Tough- Have a long delay but make many shots at once

Charming- hit very quick multiple times and pretty fast

Heartful- Goes quick and decent damage

Shady- does quick and lot damage with the trad of of waiting 10 sec for it to recharge

Eerie- Very slow like Brave but goes more far

Slippery- Does the most tiny damage but all ways hit no matter what

Down Speical: Yo-kai Drill it will have different stats on depending the last summoning that happen

Basic Drill- (Slippery or Shady) just bury the opponent to the ground

Blazion Drill- (With Brave or Tough) Have fire damage with it instead of burying

Diamond Drill- (Myterious or Eerie) Have the foe bury in the ground for longer

Wib Wob Drill- (Charming or Heartful) Does the least amount of damage but restore tiny health

Final Smash: Be like Megaman summoning the other Watcher to beat up the opponents

Other stuff

Logo: The Yo-kai Watch Clock

Entrance: Will appear from the door from YW4

Idle Animation: Do idle animation from Yo-kai Watch just swing there arms,


Up: Will flip the medal like in the cutscene and the anime

Side: Will do the Moxie taunt

Down: Will show off there watch


1. Does the mystery clear from Yo-kai Watch 3

2. Flip the yo-kai medal and those the pose for the model zero

3. Does the Moxie Dance

Theme: Victory- Yo-kai Watch 1


Boxing Ring Title: The Yo-kai Master

Star KO: Gaaahhh

( Author Note: I was gonna make Jibanyan move set but I was having trouble so instead I made a Watcher one with Nate and Katie which I really like as there basically a Pokemon Trainer that can attack but can only have 3 alleys out at time but don't worry Jibanyan is gonna be here one day cause I'm still working on him that why Komasan was in the Charming section join next time as I call an exterminator Edit: I got rid of bonus as it just make Nate/Katie over pwoer)

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