Chapter one

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It was a cold July night. A cold and wet July night. It was pouring down rain harshly from the sky. Not a single sound, not a single voice was heard. Not a single soul was in sight. Everyone had been in their houses. The night air was harsher than the silence itself. Alone in his bedroom there was a particular thoughtful fifteen year old. He had layed upon his broken down mattress. He had scars upon his face. Scars upon his body. He had been a lost soul. No one to care. No one to be there, he was all alone. Alone in the dark. Mr. Harry James Potter had nothing. Nothing to give. Nothing to take. He has had a lot of stuff to think about recently, to be thoughtful. The death of his parents, and the deaths of his friends.

He grew hatred. Hatred growing thoughout his body, growing angrier and becoming enraged. He had to stop it. He had to fight his demons. FIght his fears. He must end the dark lord's evil ways. He must put an end to He-who-must-not-be-named's rein of terror. He must kill Voldemort for once and all.

Harry Potter Will have to be strong to defeat the dark lord. He will need bravery, he will need to be fierce. Like the Gryffindor he is. It's time to be a man. It's time to fight back.  Harry won't stop until the wizarding world and the muggle world is at peace. He's gonna have to train hard. All day, all week, all month and all summer. He had took a trip to the closet and gathered his uncle's training equipment. Then he grasped a gallon of water. He then closed the door to his small bedroom. Harry had started to do  thirty push ups a day, increasing his arm muscles and biceps.

Up, Down

Up, Down

Up Down

By the end of the week, Harry was stronger, braver, smarter, and more ready than ever. That bastard was going down. Harry didn't have time to be happy. He didn't have time to just wait around. He have had his maps drawn, he other plans to hang his hopes on. Every direction that let him down felt wrong, but he found another. Harry had a big heart, the way he saw the world got him this far and he's not backing down now. He might have had  some bruises and a few scars, but he knew he was gonna be okay. Because even though Harry was scared, he was stronger than he knew. At the end of each work out, he would reward himself by playing his favorite song on his walkman. He had brought the walkman in hogsmead in his fourth year at Hogwarts.  This was now his fifth year.

He began to lie down on his broken and battered bed. As he began to rest his head, Harry began to drift off to the land of dreams. His body started to turn off its senses. His green eyes began to get heavier as he enters the render of sleep. Within minutes, the fifteen year old boy was fast asleep. Just outside his dark window was a black figure approaching his house. Harry did not notice as he had just entered the realm of deep sleeping.

Oh Harry did not awake. Harry did not stir. Harry did not awaken from his slumber. He was as motionless as a wizard's wand. Harry had not gotten sleep in ages. It was the best sleep of his life. Sadly, it was interrupted. He had felt someone shake him roughly. It was a big and beefy hand on his chest. He slowly opened his eyes. It was his uncle Vernon. He had looked angry. His face was a nice shade of purple. Vernon had grabbed the collar of Harry's oversized buttoned down shirt. He had grasped a lock of Harry's hair and yanked it. Harry had hated it at the Dursleys. He had hated how he was treated. How he lived.

"Uncle Vernon, I didn't do anything wrong!" He cried, his voice breaking.

"Don't ever touch my equipment again! Do you hear me boy?!" He shouted, making his voice sound big and bad.

"Oh, one of your freaky friends are here for you!" Vernon had left out of Harry's room.

A girl walked into Harry's room. She had cinnamon brown eyes. She had honey blonde hair. She was the brightest witch of her age. People called her...

"Hermione? Is that you?" Harry asked, looking at the girl who walked into his bedroom.

Hermione hugged Harry, giving him the tightest of tight squeezes.

That's it. I hope the first chapter wasn't boring.

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