Hero Ships Part One

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Okay! Here we go! Hero Ships requested by @Myllelia

MHA_Lover: I am back!!

Edgeshot: What exactly is this?

MHA_Lover: Reaction book, you will react to HERO SHIPS!!

Ryukyu: Hero Ships?

Mandalay: Ah, you mean a pairing between two heroes?

MHA_Lover: See? Mandalay gets it!

Joke: but why is there an unknown superhero here? *chuckle*

Aizawa: I'm not unknown, Joke

Endeavour: Shoto said something like this would happen yesterday

Tensei: Wow! Even former pro heroes?!

Gran Torino: This is useless

MHA_Lover: Guys come on! Let's start!

MHA_Lover: Guys come on! Let's start!

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Edgeshot: Oh dear.....

Ryukyu: .......

Uwabami: Click! Got a pic

Ryukyu: Turns dragon and breaks the projector

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Ryukyu: Turns dragon and breaks the projector

MHA_Lover: Lol, sit tight Ryukyu

*Ryukyu "glued" to chair and human form*

MHA_Lover: This part we're adding @Weeaboo_memeaboo

Ragdoll: A who now?

Mirko: This is wasting mah time

Weeaboo_memeaboo: Yeah! I'm the RyuShot Godess bois!

MHA_Lover: I know Weeaboo_memeaboo ships it but how about you guys?

Gang Orca: What's RyuShot?

Rock Lock: Apparently it's the ship name

Mirko: Eh, ship 

Hawks: Ship 

Kamui Woods: Ship 

Mt. Lady: Ship

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