Chapter One

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How can you fall in love with someone you've never spoken to? Well, that's a hard one to answer. Here I am, sitting at my desk, staring at the beautiful boy with curly hair and green eyes. He has a little crease in between his eyebrows as he writes something down. Have I mentioned his dimples? I love his dimples so much, i also love his-

"Louis," Mrs. Carter says, annoyance in her tone. "Pay attention in class or I'll have to give you detention." Ah yes, the infamous line. "Yes, I'll pay attention now, sorry," I mumble, focusing back on the whiteboard. I usually would hate history but since it's one of the few classes I have with Harry, I actually look forward to it.

As I'm working, I feel a pair of eyes watching me. I didn't really think much of it until i looked up and- holy shit, Harry's looking at me. I stare back at him for a second and I look down. I feel a blush rising to my cheeks. I still feel his eyes lingering on me for a moment. When I look back up, he's no longer watching me but he has a faint pink colour to his cheeks.

I hear the bell and I pack up my books in a rush, tossing my bag over my shoulder and leaving the classroom. I head to my locker and open it, stuffing my books into it. He was looking at me. Oh my god. I shut my locker and start heading to the gym. As I'm walking through the halls, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey mate!," says an irish voice. "Hi Niall," I proceed to keep on walking to the gym. Niall continues talking, "Class was so fuckin' boring today." I roll my eyes, "No cursing in school, you wanker," He pinches my arm. "Hey!" I say, pouting. Niall ignores me. "Anything happened with Curly today?" As soon as he asks, I blush. Damn it. He wiggles his eyebrows, "So something did happen with curly." i scoff at his antics. "Yes, you irish potato" He pretends to be hurt, pretending to fall backwards, "I'm hurt, Tomlinson"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, stinky," I respond with a smile. "Back to the main topic," Niall says as we enter the gym. We quickly cross to the boys locker rooms. "I caught him staring at me in class," I say as I'm putting down my bag. "How'd you know he was looking at you?" he says. "I caught eye contact with him" I cheekily say as I'm changing into my gym shirt. Niall smiles at me, "That's good mate, maybe this will turn into something more" I snort, "He was just looking at me Niall, that's it." I put on my track shoes. "Lets maybe not talk about this anymore until after class." Niall nods while he slips on a shirt. They're more students coming in since class is starting. Coach comes in and blows a whistle, "Come on lads, 5 laps around the field. Get a move on!" I roll my eyes as I jog out to the field, Niall in tow.

Gym goes by pretty quickly, so does the rest of the day. Next thing i know, the day is over and i'm walking home while listening to A.M by the arctic monkeys.

I smile to myself, today was a good day.

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