Chapter Two

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"Why does school have to be so fucking early" I groan to myself as i get up. The time is 5:45am. Thats way too early. I drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. "Way too early for this shit,'' I sigh as I start to brush my teeth. When I finish and rinse my mouth, I look up into the mirror. My hair is getting long. It's almost past my eyes. Should I do a quiff today? Nah. Nope. Well maybe. I could impress Harry. But is it worth the extra work... I huff and leave the bathroom, deciding to take out my clothes for the day instead. It's pretty basic: A black Adidas shirt, a pair of tight black jeans, and a pair of pretty worn out vans. I put on my clothes and I walk back into the bathroom. I decided to keep my fringe and style it a bit to the side. It looks okay. I leave the bathroom and go back into my room. I stuff all of last night's homework into my folder and put it into my backpack.

I head downstairs and into the kitchen. Mum's not home yet. I guess she must be working a late shift today. I sigh as I make myself a cup of tea and some toast, deciding to stick to something fast and easy. I go back upstairs to grab my phone. I have a little spare time before I have to head out. I sit on my bed as I turn on my phone. It lights up with life and I grab it, proceeding to unlock it. I check through my socials to kill a bit of time and before I know it, it's time to head out. I grab my backpack and go down the stairs, leaving a note for my mom on the fridge.

As I open the door i realize that it's a bit chilly outside, so i grab a jean jacket from the coat hanger and lock the front door. The walk to school isn't too long. Maybe around 15 minutes. Niall lives a few streets up from me but he usually gets to school later than me. How nice.

I turn the corner and I can see the entrance of the school. There's people at the front talking to each other, couples shagging each other's mouths off (keep the pda down, could ya?), and Harry and his group of friends chatting. Introduction time: Liam Payne. I've spoken to him before, maybe one or twice and he's a total sweetheart. He reminds me of a puppy. Oh yeah, he's dating Zayn Malik. Zayn is like a piece of artwork, and unlike his boyfriend who's slightly hyper, he's super chill and laid back. Liam and Zayn are kinda the school's power couple. They're so amazing together, I can see why. Harry and Liam are talking while Zayn stands by Liams side, holding him by the waist and smiling every now and then.

As I'm walking by their group I look up and I see Harry looking at me. He looks like he's in a trance. He then smiles at me and then continues talking to Liam like nothing happened. I just know I'm blushing so I pick up my pace to sit at a bench to wait for Niall to show up. As i reach the bench it kinda processes. Harry smiled at me. He smiled at me. His dimple was showing and i just wanted to poke it. Is that weird. Maybe. I wait five minutes before Niall fucking shows up. We head into the building and we start walking to our lockers. "You seem distracted, Lou," Niall notes. Its nothing, its not like Harry fucking Styles noticed me again and smiled at me. Dimples and all. "It's nothing Ni" i sigh as we reach the lockers. "If you say so," he responds, holding his hands up in surrender. I nudge his side, muttering, "idiot." "By the way," Niall says smirking, "I saw Styles checking you out while we were walking in" i turn around sharply, "What?!" Niall laughs as the bell rings, signaling us to go to class. "Fuck off, Niall," i say while flicking him off. "Love you too, Lou," Niall says while blowing me a kiss. Dickhead. We say goodbye and walk off to our separate classes. All my mind can think of today is Harry Harry Harry. It's not a surprise when the teacher calls me out of few times. ("Pay attention, Louis!" "Sorry, sorry")

1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th period go by pretty quick and now its lunch time. I'm not hungry at all today so i just buy an apple to keep my stomach filled with something for the rest of the day. I start eating it as I head out to the tree in the outdoor lunch area. That's where me and Niall usually eat. Niall is late (as usual) and by the time he's here i'm already done eating and i'm on my phone. He flops down right next to me and pulls out a sandwich, some chips, and a soda. Which. Okay. Oh there's more. He also brought two oranges. How nice. "Enough food, mate?"

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