chapter 3

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Hello! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated this story! I've been kind of busy. But I'm back now. This chapter is kinda boring sorry, but it will start to get more interesting soon. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy! 


The next morning it took the prince much longer than usual to get out of bed. Byul arrived and her lieutenant's told her that the prince hadn't had a very good night. He had been calling for help throughout the night but as far as they had been able to tell each time it was just a bad dream. She asked them to fetch Namjoon for her so she could talk with him before the prince woke up.

"Captain Moon," Namjoon said, bowing slightly as he arrived at the prince's rooms. "Was there something you wanted to speak with me about?"

"You're still guarding Princess Yongsun and her husband now aren't you?" Namjoon nodded slowly.

"Would you mind informing the Princess that her brother has been having bad dreams again? Discreetly." She added on. The princess had once asked Byul in confidence to let her know if her brother ever had trouble sleeping. He had been sick for a while after his father's death and he hadn't been able to sleep well for months afterward. The princess wanted to know if it happened again, and she knew that her brother wouldn't tell her.

"Of course Captain," Namjoon, gave her an encouraging smile before walking off quickly. The games started today and that meant that the guards would have even more work to do. People came from all over the five kingdoms to participate in the games and the royal children also participated. Protecting them while they participated in duels and other 'games' with weapons was not exactly the easiest job.

Byul entered the prince's room quietly, trying not to wake him. Bomi was curled up at the prince's feet, still sleeping soundly. The curtains were still drawn in his room, and it was pretty dark so she decided to sit down in a chair against the wall. She was terribly tired. Last night she had been with the prince until late, trying to get him to sober up, and then she hadn't been able to go to sleep for a few hours after that because she had promised to train with Jungkook. Her arms ached from the practice. He was getting stronger and stronger each time she sparred with him.

She heard the prince's blankets rustle and she looked up quickly. She heard a quiet whimper from the bed and she sat up quickly. She listened with a heavy heart as the prince cried out in his sleep. When he cried out something that sounded a lot like 'appa' Byul moved forward to place a hand on Jin's shoulder.

"Sir, sir wake up," He continued to whimper and she gritted her teeth. She hated to see him in pain. "Jin, wake up." His eyes flickered open and they immediately latched onto Byul's.

"Byul?" His voice was hoarse with sleep.

"It was just a bad dream, sir." His eyes were red with fatigue and he had a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead. She didn't realize he was gripping her hand until she found that she couldn't move her fingers.

"Will you just... sit here a while with me?" He asked in a soft whisper. She nodded hesitantly.

"Yes, sir." She pulled up the chair and sat beside his bed, and his hand found hers again. She sighed softly. No one ever told you about this part of being a guard. Or about the part where you helped a prince bend over a waste bucket when he was sick. She grimaced at the reminder of last night. She found her thumb rubbing soothing circles on the prince's hand almost of their own accord. He curled onto his side, almost around her hand.

She gazed at him warmly, smiling at the way his black hair fluttered over his forehead. She reached out her other hand hesitantly and then brushed a strand of his hair. When his eyes stayed closed she began to run her hands soothingly through his hair. It was something her mother used to do for her whenever she was upset and it had always helped her. Maybe it would help him as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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