The Death Of Tyler Reiad

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I ran frantically down the dark alleyways of the streets of Gotham, inwardly cursing myself and my asshole of a father, trying to keep my footing on the wet and damaged cobblestone road that I was currently running on. I could faintly hear my pursuers through the constant heartbeat sounding in my ears, though I didn't dare turn my head to check, as it would only slow me down and distract me. To get rid of the people chasing me, I would need a strategy.

Then it hit me. Literarily. The sound of me running into a wall reverberated throughout the alleyway, I fell to the ground in a downwards spiral, my legs not being able to support me after running for so long. My head going into my hands, I tried to focus on my surroundings. I could feel blood pour out of my noise and onto my new bright yellow t-shirt that I had only gotten that morning. I could hear the footsteps coming closer as I attempted to stand, only to completely fail and lean on the wall to support me instead. My eyes blurred, tears starting to make their way out of my face and slide down my dirt stained cheeks.

There was absolutely no hope of getting out of this. I was surely going to die. Today was meant to be a good day. And it was for a while. I slept in and woke up happy. I ate a good breakfast that my dad made and got good presents. So where did it go wrong? Why was this happening? The answer lay with my no-good father. That bastard set me up, sending me out on a mission on my birthday with no prior notice. This is why I hate Gangs. They're always unpredictable. An example of this was the one chasing me. They were a rival gang that has been going against my dad for years and without anyone knowing, finally gained the manpower to take my old man down. Or so I was told.

The footsteps came frighteningly close as I saw multiple dark figures emerge from the shadows. My breathing intensified the same time my tears did. One stepped forward, gun in hand, and aimed right at me. My body visibly started shaking, from fear or the cold, I couldn't tell. Probably fear though, considering I was absolutely terrified. The alleyway was dead silent, the only sound being heard was my strangled sobs.

I didn't want to my birthday to be like this.

I didn't want to be in my dads mafia.

And I certainly didn't want to die.

The man holding the gun wasted no more time, pulling the trigger. It only took a second for the bullet to make its way into my left shoulder. I bit down on my tongue, refusing to scream. I once again fell to the ground, my right hand going to the bullet wound, putting pressure on it as blood flowed freely down my arm. The figures all moved forward, surrounding me, making me put my back to the wall. The one that shot me previously raised his gun until it rested against my forehead, his other hand pulling the hood down from his face. My eyes widened in surprise for a moment before narrowing into a death glare. My pain was momentarily forgotten as the man smiled at me, showing all his unnaturally straight teeth.

"Any last words?"

I sucked in what would surely be my last breath, bearing my teeth at him.

"Go fuck yourself, dad."

As soon as the words left my mouth, a second bullet went through my skull, successfully blowing my brains out.

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