Battle of the Sexes

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There has been a lot of chatter lately, about the roles of men and women in society and to be quite honest, its distirbing. Existing, on many social media platforms are "the sexes" telling each other how to perform their roles in this world, some areas of interest being, men's emotions, a woman's strength and both their capabilities. Its quite compelling how messy this topic can be.

However, we must understand that a lot of things play a part in how an individual presents his or herself to society. Their parents, outside influences and personal experiences. These are a few out of many reasons why no two people can be the same. And that's the problem. Society expects everyone in their respective groups (male & female) to behave alike when each and every one emodies different parents, influences and experiences.

So how then, do we solve this problem of chaotic behaviour between the sexes. Maybe we're just asking the wrong questions or trying to solve the wrong problems.

How about being better parents by trying our best to create a better and safer life for our children or, educating ourselves in areas that can be beneficial to us in our immediate and future lives. Maybe even learning how to accept correction or constructive criticism and not take offence to every word spoken to us.

We are so quick to make a comeback, to defend and justify ourselves that we listen with our mouths and not our ears. Stop, take a moment and think about everything being said to you and be objective in analysing situations. Furthermore, we must also become self awared in order to change any toxic or negative ways that exists in us to be able to grow.
Just remember that this is not meant to be a war. Some problems can only be solved through team work.

So my fellow beings, listen to each other, be self awared and openminded to change, because that is the only way that one can grow.
You may notice that I was not specific when speaking about all the things being said to each other, such as; what men and women should or shouldn't be or do. Why? Because this isn't about condemning each other, but about helping each other become better men and women for ourselves and each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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