vegetarianism a fallcy or reality.

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vegetarianism or 'vegan'  is a new renowned lifestyle, human beings are conscious species our very wokeness invites conflict in emotions. vegetarianism is a recent such development. many people out of compassion for other living things or heath reasons are switching over to the vegan lifestyle.

vegetarianism in the west has recently gained footing mainly through the influence of Hollywood. many renowned celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres, Natalie portman, and Liam Hemsworth are also practicing vegetarianism.

vegetiranism in India

India is considered a largely vegetarian country however that is far from true, a survey conducted by the government stated that about 23- 37% of Indians are only strictly vegetarian. the Hindus which constitute the majority population of India are also chiefly meat-eaters. the lower castes (Dalits) fall in the same category. the government based analysis of vegetarianism in India also concluded that the affluent and rich groups of people are mostly vegetarian. the city of Indore showed the highest number of vegetarianism in India with approximately 49% of people abstaining from eating meat.

The cow is considered sacred and pious, and eating it is considered sacrilegious and blasphemy in the Hindu code. despite this India hosts about 7% of beef-eating Indians. The hypocritical nature of Indians also needs to be mentioned when talking about beef, many fellow Indians who eat chicken, fish, crab etcetera refrain from indulging in beef.

today eating meat is socially acceptable in India as mainstream and normal. Brahmin eating meat does not create a ruckus or horrify people anymore. there were numerous instances in India during the recent past when eating meat in Hindu brahmins was considered heinous and atrocious.

we human beings are omnivorous species our canines and incisors are the very proof of it, our ancestors before the discovery of fire devoured uncooked meat. our teeth are specially designed for tearing and grinding meat.


compassion and gratitude for other animals, in my opinion, are very significant. however with the advent of globalization and industrialization of pragmatically everything. vegan food does not provide us with all the necessary nutrients we need. our body is constructed with protein, water, and carbohydrates,

the ecosystem functions with the transmission of energy levels from the individual lower in the food chain to the upper ones. a carnivore cannot be forced to switch to vegetarianism. likewise, we as omnivores need a balanced amount of every nutrient.

in a study conducted by Harvard University, it was found that people practicing vegetarianism lack protein by a copious rate which can prove to be futile.

what you eat should be up to you. we as omnivores can not change our basic tendency. what one chooses to eat should not be scrutinized and respected by everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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