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I almost jump in my skin I was in shock. I focus my self and I make sure I don't act weird talking to him. Then I walk out the door and walk towards him sitting on the curb of my house with he's skate bored

Y/n: hi excuse me

Vinnie: yes?

Y/n: sorry to bother you are u vinnie hacker

Vinnie: yes that's me do u want a picture

Y/n: um no but,

Vinnie: your not a fan huh

Y/n: haha yea so my parents are considered on why your here

Vinnie: oh sorry I didn't know this was private property he said sarcastically

Y/n: it's not but their just really protective about the house I said with a smile

Vinnie: I'm just waiting for a Uber I'll leave if u want

Y/n: no no it's fine I'll just tell them your not doing anything wrong

Vinnie: okay thanks

Y/n: why are you with your friends

Vinnie: I thought u weren't a fan he said jokingly

Y/n: haha very funny I'm a fan but not obsessive fan

Vinnie: oh now I get u

Y/n: well sorry for bothering u I'll tell my parents

Vinnie: wait so u don't want a photo he said smiling

Y/n: I'll come back for that I said smiling

Vinnie: okay I'll be here

I leave to go walk in my house to tell my parents. No I was not going to tell them it was vinnie hacker.

Mom: did he leave

Y/n: he's just waiting for a Uber he doesn't seem bad

Mom: okay but I'll still keep an eye out

Y/n: okay can I go get the mail I ordered something and it's here I said lying

Mom: okay don't run late the keys are in my room

Y/n: okay mom

As I grab the key and walk out the door I realized should I tell my friends, no I know they would going crazy and he would be uncomfortable

Vinnie: why do you have keys in your hand

Y/n: oh I had to lie to my mom about getting the mail because there really strict

Vinnie: oh okay let's take the picture

We take the picture I decided to take video just in case Tiffany thinks it's photoshopped

Y/n: thank you I need to go get the mail bye vinnie

Vinnie: wait I'll come with you

Y/n: it okay you need to catch your Uber

Vinnie: it's not coming, it was canceled my friend is picking me up

Y/n: okay then I said with a smile

He runs next to me and we continue to walk. For little bit we were both quiet and all I could don't is stare at his hazel brown eyes glow as the sun goes down. But then he broke the silence

Vinnie: what are you looking at he said with a smile

I was in shock he knew I was staring at him I was embarrassed

Y/n:  um I just don't believe it's u your like really poppin right now

Vinnie: well the world is filled with surprises he said smiling

Vinnie: um how old are you

Y/n: I'm 16

Vinnie: oh he said with a disappointed face

Vinnie: which make u a.....

Y/n:  sophomore

Vinnie: oh really

Y/n: yeah it because I'm really tall I look older

Vinnie: yeah your really tall he said smiling

I somehow I was blushing and I tried to hid that fact I was

Vinnie: haha your red he said teasing me

Y/n: shut up vinnie I said smiling

Vinnie: someone's mad haha he said smiling

Y/n: yeah, don't u have a ride to catch

Vinnie: oh shit I forgot let check my phone

As vinnie checks his messages I grab my mail and start walking back home and vinnie catch up to me

Vinnie: hey so what school do u go to

Y/n: I go to "Anonymous" high school

Vinnie: that's pretty near here

Y/n: yeah that's why I walk to school

Vinnie: you don't skate

Y/n: no why

Vinnie: you have a whole skate park in front you and u don't use it

Y/n: I don't even know how it to

Vinnie: I'll teach you how he said smiling

Y/n: sure I'm down I said smiling

We arrived at my front house . I don't know what to exactly say to him.

Y/n: well it was nice meeting you vinnie

Vinnie: it was nice meeting you too he said smiling

Y/n: bye vinnie hacker

Vinnie: bye, wait I didn't get your name

Y/n: I'm Y/n by the way

Vinnie: okay bye Y/n he said with a smile

I leave and walk in to my house and sit down for dinner.

Narrator: hi guys pls comment if you are liking it so far I'll still be updated soon 💞

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