Chapter 1

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We sat at the intersection of Malikowski Circle and Dobek Road, watching the scene unfold before us. People shuffled slowly across the street, oblivious to the parked cars, and listlessly bumping into each other. I clutched the steering wheel tightly as I watched a man burst out of one of the apartments in the distance, and yell at the top of his lungs. Several stopped within their tracks, and turned to face him, their once dull eyes shining like bright copper pennies.

They shot in his direction, descending upon him like a pack of rabid wolves. He screamed as they bit into his flesh, munching on his entrails as if they were having a delicious Christmas dinner. I shuddered at the sight, not yet grasping the significance of what I was seeing.

"Meaghan?" Mallory prodded as she clutched the edge of my seat between her small hands, and pulled herself up so that she'd be able to see a little better. "What's going on?"

I turned slightly within my seat, and patted her tiny hand with reassurance. "I’m not sure, honey."

"Are we going to Rosa's house or not?" Mary asked as she shoved a hand through her brown curls with agitation.

Are we? I wondered as I turned back to survey the scene spreading out before us.

The hungry crowd was still focused on its current meal, and had yet to notice the black Ford Explorer XLT as it sat idling nearby. I suppose it was because we hadn’t made our presence known yet. That would definitely change the moment we started moving, however.

My heart raced as I considered our limited options. Frankly, we had none. The throng now accumulating nearby would soon be cumbersome. Though, we couldn't leave without making sure that my cousin and her kids were okay.

Nervously licking my lips, I ordered the girls to snap on their seatbelts. They did so reluctantly, but it was either that, or suffer at the hands of a mob full of crazed lunatics. I took a deep breath, and carefully put the car in reverse. I bit my lower lip, and glanced over my shoulder to catch sight of a couple people milling about. Their slow gaits alerted me to the fact that they, too, had changed into one of the undead. Never-the-less, I had to get us to safety somehow.

Taking my foot off of the brake, I let the car coast back slowly, and carefully maneuvered the SUV into the nearest driveway. My heart thundered within my chest as I saw several turn their attention to the now moving car. Their bodies shifted, and they began their slow trajectory in our direction. My palms began to sweat as I drove further into the car park. I hit something as I neared the middle of the parking lot. The girls screamed with fear, but I brusquely ordered them to be quiet.

I should have stopped the car to investigate what I had hit, but my fear of the situation kept me from doing so. Instead, I shoved my foot against the gas pedal, and drove straight into the nearest empty parking spot. I killed the engine and the lights, holding my breath as I waited for what was coming next. The girls sniffled softly in the seat behind me. Mallory turned to face me, her blue eyes full of worry.

"We're not going to make it home, are we?" she prodded.

"We are. I hope."

"I'm scared," Mallory replied as she clutched her pink teddy bear tightly to her.

I sighed with discontent, wishing that I could make our current situation better somehow. "I know, Baby. So are we."

"You goin' to check on Rose?" Mary inquired.

"Yeah, but I need the both of you to stay here."

"But . . ." she interjected.

"No but's. I need you to keep an eye on Mallory."

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