Chapter Seven

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Authors note: sorry for the hiatus :(! A lot happened after chapter six in my personal life and it was not good:( but I'm ready to be back and provide you all with yandere Kusuo again!

“Kusuo! Give me a hand moving some furniture, won't take long with your powers!” Damn what does he want now, can’t he tell I’m busy?

“Move it yourself” (YN) and me are going somewhere, I need to get ready. 

“Huh? I would but, I have other things to carry,” He pauses and turns back, I see my mom run towards him and jump into his arms, “See? Like your mother.”

“You’re so strong honey.”

“I’ll say it again, move it yourself,” ‘Due to a marital spat, this couple has been sleeping in separate bedrooms, however that is about  to change thanks to the help of a craftsman-,’ I’m not a craftsman. I guess I should just help them to get off my back. 

“Wow, You really are amazing Ku!”

“Seriously what do people without a psychic son do?” I don’t know but I would love to experience it,”Yay! It’s a flying bed!” I question everyday how I’m related to him. Anyway some of you may be getting the wrong idea, so let me clear everything up. If you think my powers are always convenient, you’re wrong, most of my abilities come with limitations and drawbacks, if they were actually useful I would have (YN) be married to me by now. So yeah I’m not all powerful.”Hey, look at me! I’m the strongest man in the world.” . . . ,”Ack!” See I lost my strength there for a second. 

“Phew, well that's the last of it, I’m all done now.”

“Good job! Here you must be thirsty,” Don’t act like you did all the work, “Oh wait, the bed’s blocking access to the balcony now.”

“Oh no you’re right!”

“I’d love to move it, but it’s too heavy to move all by myself.”

“Hmm, If only there was someone who could move it really easily.”
“Well to do that they’d probably need psychic powers.”

“Yeah, I wish there was someone with psychic powers around.” Stop this farce! 

“Is there anyone like that here?” they both turn to look at me, moths agape. 

“Ah this is perfect!”

“Yeah, now we can get to the balcony!”

“How can we thank you? Oh I know how about a little brother or sister?”
“Which would you prefer?” I don’t want to think about what you were just implying, anyway I need to get back to getting ready. “Oh no! Now we can’t get the closet door open!” I swear. I moved the bed again,” Now this is just right!”

“Oh yeah, this is much better! Now let’s go have some-” they look back at me once again. Are they stupid or what?

“Maybe we should knock this wall down!” What? 

“Let’s do it!” Wait.

“Kusuo, make it happen!” Fine, but remember, you asked for this. I put my fingers up to the wall and flicked it. ‘W-what was that?!’ oops, I startled (YN).

“All done.”

“O-oh, um yeah, thanks I guess.” What? You’re the one who asked for it to be knocked down,”This is nice! Knocking it down was the right choice!”

“The room's a lot more spacious now!” 

“Yeah, it really is,” . . . , “All this space overwhelms me!” I’m about to lose it.

“This space over here bothers me.”

“Then let’s put something there.”

“What about a T.V.?" Seriously how long is this going to take? I have a 'date' to get ready for.

"Hmm, no that's not quite right, I'm thinking, tiger rug." Disgusting, "well all we have in the house is a sofa! Let's bring it in here Kusuo!" 

I think we all know how the scenarios played out. No matter what Mr. Saiki was just never satisfied with the placement of the items in the room.

"Honey look at this, the room on the left is our bedroom and we tore down the wall because it was too small right? But it looks like the room on the right was already bigger! So instead of tearing down the wall we should've just made the room on the right our bedroom!" What? All this precious time I could've spent getting ready was instead spent in something useless? Both of them requested I put the wall back in place, I complied, but now I will leave them with their own issue to deal with.

"Have fun dealing with your problem alone now." I said leaving the room and finally getting fully ready.


"Hey, Kusuo?" (YN) looks at me, "what was that loud bang in your house? It sounded pretty bad." 

"Oh that," I looked at her and decided I would give her an honest answer, "dad just dropped his bed on himself."


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