Chapter 4

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Location: Swerhalt Forensic Laboratory

"She could have just wiped it down too, right?", Detective Smith poses a theory regarding the missing fingerprints.
"Or someone could have wiped it down in order to erase their own fingerprint after poisoning the tea?", Kenneth counters, as they enter the forensic lab with Detective Jones following shortly behind.

Forensic Analyst Brown is mildly shocked to find the detective on case coming down to the laboratory. Nonetheless, she greets them warmly and invites them in. She informs them that the final forensic report on the crime scene is prepared and she was going to send the copies to the detectives after a quick revision.
"No problem, Miss. Brown, the case just took an interesting turn and the we couldn't wait any longer.", Detective Smith enters Brown's office after her. Kenneth follows.
"Well, there aren't many changes from the preliminary report, but you are welcome to examine it.", she hands over the file to Smith. She looks over Kenneth who is looking around, amazed, "And who is this young fellow accompanying you today?", she  asks with a devious smile
Before Detective Smith could answer appropriately, Detective Jones comes in, hands in his pocket, "when will we get the report on the body?", he directs the question towards Forensic Analyst Brown.
Realisation dawns on Kenneth that 'the body' referred in the question is that of his dead classmate, George Blossom. He stops exploring and gulps hard. Detective Smith senses that unease.
"Medical Officer Scott is almost done with his report. He will be sending it anytime now. Meanwhile, read my final report.", Miss. Brown proudly hands over his copy of the report as Detective Jones settles beside Smith.
The detectives start discussing the case quietly as the forensic analyst leaves them to work on other reports. Kenneth starts wandering around the lab like a lost curious child. He unintentionally travels down to the morgue. He realises that when he's hit with the strong pungent smell of formalin. He turns back upstairs before he witnesses something damaging to his psyche, like the body of a dead friend. His path gets obstructed by Detective Jones who is on his way to see the medical officer. Without a word, Kenneth passes the detective and exits the morgue.

Detective Smith stops Kenneth on his tracks by calling out to him from behind. He notices the anxiety brewing in the teenager as he approaches him. Smith speaks softly, "let me drop you home. It's late."
Kenneth nods avoiding eye contact.

Day 2
Location: Interview Room 1

The very next morning, Sheila and John are brought in for questioning in connection to the case. John is seated at interview room one, waiting for a detective to come in. He is fidgeting and sweaty, gulping down the glass of water in front of him; all signs of a guilty conscience.
Detective Jones comes in holding his coffee mug and a file, "I hope you haven't been waiting for long."
John shakes his head furiously.
"Do you know why you are here?", Jones asks, sitting down, setting his mug and the file on the table.
John nods this time but reluctantly.
"Let me get straight to the point. What were you doing in front of George's house exactly four nights ago?"
John's eyes were all over room, searching for escape. He gulps, "I.."
Strategically, Jones cuts him off and states, "before you say anything, we know everything about you.", he pats on the file with his right hand while his other hand grabbed his mug.
John exhales sharply. After a few expressions expressing his inner conflict, he decides to come clean, "I love Sheila, okay? I just wanted to know how to make her notice me, that's all!". A wave of relief washes over his face.
"So, you stalk her. Very original.", Jones comments.
"I don't stalk her!", John retorts.
Jones frowns, "following someone without their knowledge is stalking and it's a crime."
John looks down, comprehending his messy situation.
Jones rolls his eyes and leans forward, "anyway, we are not here to discuss you. What was she doing at the Blossom residence?"
John sniffs and collects himself, "I don't know. She's not that type of girl, officer."
"Detective.", Detective Jones corrects, annoyed.
"Detective.", John reaffirms, "she is a good girl. She was returning from her part-time when she stopped by, not for long. When she came out, she was..", John pauses, "..angry."
After a few more related questions, John is allowed to go for the day with a warning on his perverse behaviour and on the condition that he is not allowed to skip town until the case is closed.

Location: Interview Room 2

Sheila comes in late and gets escorted to Interview Room 2. She has no idea about the ongoing conversation in room one. She waits patiently, scrolling through her social media feed, cursing the poor network in the police station. The detectives allow the interrogation in room one to complete and use the information obtained for the session in room two.
Detective Smith comes in the exact same fashion as Jones, with a coffee mug and a file; probably the standard detective entry into interrogation room protocol.
"So, Sheila, do you know why you are here?", he settles down.
"I do.", she says firmly.
"Good. So, pray tell me, what were you doing at George's home albeit so late at night.", Smith sips on his coffee.
"I do not like the innuendo, Detective..", Sheila pauses for him to speak.
"..Smith.", he adds.
"Smith.", Sheila nods, "it was late at night because I was returning from my part-time job. If you have done your homework, you would know.", she scoffs scornfully.
Detective Smith is shocked at the display but does not let it show on his face. The essence of rebellious youth is 'oh so' charming. He gives a half smile at the thought. "What was so important, Sheila, that you had to visit his home so late at night?", he continues.
Sheila licks her lower lip, preparing to answer the question she has been expecting. "I went to warn him."
"About what?", Smith scrounges his brows.
"Miss. Clarke.", Sheila kept her answer brief, much to Smith's annoyance.
"What about her?", he is compelled to ask.
"She is not who she says she is. That's all I can tell you.", Sheila leans back on her seat, gesturing that she has given enough.
Detective Smith sighs at a new approach to the case opens up. He wraps up the interview with some more questions but nothing new and interesting came out. He lets her go on the same condition as John.

Location: Swerhalt Police Station

In the afternoon, the two detectives working on the infamous highschool poisoning case making paper headlines everyday, are going through the phone records of the two victims which they received yesterday. A highschool teacher and a student tend to have a lot of call/text history which is making their work a lot more difficult than anticipated. Jones has been stuck with George's, highlighting all the unusual history for further research, while Smith is turning pages after pages on Olivia's records.

Detective Smith takes a break to grab a coffee, waiting on Officer Munroe from Cybercrime Division who had been assigned to the case to show up. He had been tasked with recovering the footage from the CCTV camera at the end of the hallway at school leading to Miss. Clarke's office. And three days later, he delivers some good news. Today, Officer Munroe has also been asked to dig deeper into Miss. Olivia Clarke, entertaining Sheila's allegations, along with Officer Dickson from his branch.
"Detective Smith! How did the interviews go?", a young male voice speaks.
"Kennie boy! So this police station isn't your home after all.", Smith mocks.
"Well, like you said, no listening on to the interviews related to the case. So, I hung out with Marcie.", Kenneth takes a glass off the shelf and fills it with water.
"Why are you here then?", Smith asks, leaving the semi-kitchen area.
Kenneth follows him, after drinking the glass dry and leaving it behind in the sink, "I thought you needed me.", he takes quick steps to catch up to the detective.
"Very well. An officer will be here any moment with the CCTV footage. Want to watch it with me?", Detective Smith offers.
"Hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about!", Kenneth beams with excitement.

Soon after, Officer Munroe arrives with the evidence and leaves quickly to work on the task he has been newly assigned. Smith informs Jones who comes in too. He has a file in hand. "Let me turn that on for you, old man.", Kenneth takes over, watching Smith fumble with a USB stick.
"Kids these days!", Smith whispers to Jones, making sure Kenneth hears him.
The video starts with majority of the parts broken down so badly in most parts that it was almost impossible to make out the figures coming and going down to hall.
"It's useless.", Detective Jones leaves midway of a week long video recording on fast-forward, "I have better things to do."
Kenneth and Smith watch him wall out of the door. They look at each other. "I think we should keep watching", Kenneth suggests.
Smith nods.
After a while, Kenneth quickly pauses the video and stands up. He asks surprised, "what was Principal Blossom doing in Miss. Clarke's office for so long?"

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