187. Spongelife

136 11 6

If you think your life sucks...

Think about Spongebob

1. Life is in a mess.

2. Works in a fast food joint with no future.

3. Works for a stingy boss who always out to cheat his money and ask him to do more things.

4. Coworker/closest neighbour hated him to the core.

5. His best friend is a jobless retard.

6. Couldn't pass his driving test with countless tries.

7. Friendzoned by his crush.

8. Pet snail seems smarter than him.

Ik heb echt medelijden ;D
Ik ga morgen pas verder, sorry, maar ik heb net mijn onder brackets gekregen en het doet echt pijn :"( Serieus, ik lag 1,5 uur daar op die stoel en mijn hoofd en nek deden echt pijn. En met deze pijn kan ik echt niet slapen... Heeeeel misschien straks nog...

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