I am Back

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Hey guys let's start with warnings and apologies so

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much sorry for not posting and this chapter is gonna be short Sorry once again.
So now that it's done let's start with a smile ☺️.

1) A long timeskip
2) New characters
3) Some spoilers from season 5 yes I'm doing it sorry but it's a important part
4) I won't give away the nae of the traitor but hints.
5) Blood, angst ofcourse

Well looks like that's it for now that is

People just shrugged it off and soon Bakugou became stable and maintained his composure abit like he became a little rude or act like it.


WAIT I'm sorry but I heard this song and saw how much this relates to me like every word is dedicated to my life I have seen that all before and am still seeing but, please don't judge and if you want to than ignore this and just enjoy the song

Ok so back to le timeskip we go.

So we are directly guided to the part where Bakugou finds out who the traitor is and it is someone from BAKUSQUAD. Bakugou was broken already and this was too much for him his own friend who he thought were his strength the reason he was still living and now it's all gone both kirishima and kaminari one is the traitor and the other is in a bad state.

The whole league was their ganging up on Bakugou while all the other wre somewhere I don't know (after all it's spoiler how can I know everything I just know they were trying there best to reach Bakugou.). So Bakugou was defeated and at the brink of dying and at that moment Shigaraki said "Now die painfully *does one of his devilish smirk* you should have joined us while you still had the time" or so something like that after that the league leaves all wearing the same smirk as Shigaraki as it was a big accomplishment after they left in some slow pants Bakugou said "I'm sorry Izuku." and just before he dies a figure comes out of nowhere and picks him up from place where he lied he was unconscious that person created a clone from mud which looked just like Bakugou and looked lifeless with injury also perfectly mimicked after that the figure took him to

Words: 501

To be continued

Wow!!!! that was long well for your forgiveness and

Hint: Bu**i**
heheh... find on your own and yeah I don't know when I will post next but I will soon.


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