CHAPTER 14: Lieutenant

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SITTING AROUND a rectangular wooden table were Erwin, Levi, Hange, and Moblit. They all looked up from their conversation to look at you standing in the center of the doorway. You saluted immediately.

Erwin smiled warmly at your presence. He motioned to the chair beside Levi with his good hand. "Welcome, Y/N. Please, have a seat. Perhaps you should take off your coat? The night isn't too chilly yet."

"It'salright, commander," you fumbled, trying to hide your nervousness. "Myskin gets cold easily."

At that moment, you wanted nothing more than to strangle Eren Jaeger.

When you got home with the brioche bread, you half-expected things to become awkward again between the two of you. But no. Eren had a flair for using his actions better than his words.

One kiss turned into three. Even the next day, and the day after that, and after that. You didn't know what you were, but you were less than a real couple yet more than friends.

Some people might call it a soldier's desperation, or young people hurrying to find comfort before their early deaths. They weren't wrong, but you preferred to call it a happy place.

Just as well. You were fine slowly chipping away the tension that had been steadily building between you and Eren over the past few months.

But one night, when you escorted him to replace his maneuvering gear's gas, he got a bit bolder.

Suddenly instead of your soft kisses, you were being pushed against a wall, Eren caging you in, his lips sloppily slanting against yours as though some Titan instinct within him gave his heart the desire to devour you.

You usually hated being trapped, hated being made to feel like you were small, or getting roughed around the edges, but you surprisingly liked this.

Eren had pulled away, flushed. "Is this okay?"

You exhaled shakily, head spinning like it was the first time he ever kissed you. You nodded, unable to express in words how good this new feeling felt. Like it was raw, alive, and you were hungry for more.

Eren tilted your chin up so he could gaze at your neck. His eyes flitted to you. "You know, I've always wondered what it would be like..."

"To what?" You knew what he wanted, you just needed to hear him say it.

He looked almost embarrassed, but determined to tell you. "Can I just... Can I..."

"Go ahead."

The first time his lips met the skin of your neck, you were in ecstasy. Your spine arched into his body as it was the first time your nerves had been electrified by a sensation like this. Your breathing turned rapid and you wondered if your heart was going to leap right out of your throat. And when Eren sucked, you involuntarily made a soft sound of pleasure that made both of you pause.

Eren quickly found out that he couldn't get enough of it.

And now you were here, smiling tautly at your superiors, wondering what it would feel like to bash Eren's head into a drum because he had a lack of restraint.

Levi side-eyed you with suspicion. You gulped. The last thing you wanted him to do was whip off your dark green coat and humiliate you in front of your superiors with the hickeys Eren had given you.

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